Here are the reasons you’re not succeeding in Network Marketing
If you have been struggling for years in Network Marketing, then you are doing something wrong. Obvious, right? 😉
You are not alone in the struggle zone. I have been there for years and to be honest: it sucked 🙂 So I know how you feel. But don’t give up!
“When you feel like quitting…think about why you started.”
So what is keeping you away from having success online? We are going to cover 7 BIG reasons why you are failing in Network Marketing.
But before we start with that, I would like to invite your to our *FREE* Coaching Group where you will learn more about social media marketing, email marketing, blogging and more.
Are you ready? 🙂 Ok, here we go…
1.) Negative (closed) Mindset:
I fail miserably on this step because I didn’t believe that positive (open) mindset will help me the most. All the leaders in Network Marketing were saying: “Read personal development books for 30 min per day.”
And you know what my response (in my head) was? “HELL NO! I have to learn Social Media Marketing strategies that work – Mindset has nothing to do with it.”
And this was the biggest mistake of my journey in Network Marketing 🙂 Mindset is 80% of success. Not even the best Social Media Marketing strategy can help you if you are a pessimistic person.
Start reading books – NO EXCUSES! 🙂 You can also listen to them if you’re too lazy 😉 Let’s be honest – we all are sometimes 🙂
Here are some personal development books that I recommend:
– How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
– The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
– Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
– The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles
– Failing Forward – John C. Maxwell
– The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra
Or you can just hop on Youtube and listen to these amazing audiobooks.
2.) Bad Courses (Training):
Yes, besides mindset you will have to learn some strategies on how to get quality traffic, leads, and sales.
Social Media Marketing will play a big role if you are marketing online. You can reach a lot of (targeted) people, help them solve their problems, and make 💲MONEY💲.
Sounds easy, but it’s not (I won’t sugar coat anything). It will take you time and money.
Invest in online marketing courses, learn and take MASSIVE ACTION daily! It will get hard, you will want to quit, maybe you will even cry (I know I did 😉 ).
But it’s really worth it because of the freedom lifestyle. You will be able to spend more time with your family and friends, travel around the world, and enjoy life to the fullest.

3.) No Business Skills:
If you don’t have any business skills – don’t worry. You can learn everything.
There are courses, books, events, and mentors that can help you. And the best business skill that you should learn is HOW TO SELL.
Don’t believe that products sell themselves. I got that tip in the past from several network marketers, but just because they didn’t know how to sell either.
So if you want to stand out of the crowd, learn this skill!
Here are other business skills that you should learn more about:
– Managing your finances
– Investing
– Leadership
– Problem-solving
– Time management
– Planning (grab your Free printable planners here)
4.) Branding the Company
If you’re only branding the network marketing company, then you’re doing it completely wrong. People don’t join the company – they join YOU!
Related topic: 17 Fatal Personal Branding Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Cost – read our blog post by clicking here
Your face is your company and your smile is your logo.
I made a video a while ago about how to brand yourself. So make sure you watch it and take notes (33 min full of VALUE):
5.) Targeting the wrong audience:
If no one is buying or joining, then you have the wrong audience. You can’t sell weight loss pills to a skinny person, right? 🙂
Before you start thinking about who your targeted audience is, make sure you know the benefits of your products. That way you will know who can get the most out of them.
It’s not about how much money you will make – it’s about how many people you can HELP! Focus on that, never on earnings.
When you got that part covered, start defining your target market:
– Look at the audience of a leader in your company
– Check out the competition
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Income level
- Family status
- Personality
- Attitude
- Hobbies
- Values
- Lifestyle
- Behavior
6.) Not being consistent:
And this is where we all fail at least once 🙂 OK, many times 🙂 If you’re sick and tired of not seeing results, then stop quitting.
When you learn a new Social Media Strategy, take massive CONSISTENT action for at least 90 days. That means EVERY SINGLE DAY, including weekends.
Excuses won’t help you achieve your goals. So it comes down to “How bad do you want to succeed”
7.) Competition:
There is a lot of competition in Network Marketing because more and more people believe in this industry. So why is competition so dangerous for your success.
Let me put it this way: the less knowledge you have – the less you are worth to your audience.
This is why I always say invest in courses, books, events, and mentors. If you can help your audience more, they will trust you faster. And sales are made when people trust you.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s healthy to have some competition. But when you’re competing with 97% of other network marketers, that’s probably too crowded 😉
Stand out – learn more!
If you’re not seeing success in Network Marketing, then you are doing some (or all) of the mistakes above.
In this blog post, you learned how to avoid the struggle. Now it’s up to you to take massive action.
Let me know which one of these reasons are you struggling with the most?
Hey Mary, I’m happy you got value from my blog post 🙂
I love this post. Thank you
I’m glad you love it 😊