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Let’s talk about something that’s probably been on your mind lately – how to create awesome digital products without losing your sanity (or all your free time).

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably stayed up way too late, fueled by coffee and determination, trying to design that perfect planner or write that game-changing e-book.

Well, I’ve got some good news for you. I found these AI tools that have totally transformed my digital product creation process.

These bad boys have helped me crank out everything from eye-catching digital art to in-depth e-books, all while giving me back precious time to, you know, actually live my life.

Ready to meet your new digital product creation besties? Let’s dive in!

My Top Favorite AI Tools For Digital Product Creation

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

My Top Favorite AI Tools For Digital Product Creation

These AI tools are perfect for beginners or seasoned digital product creators. Let’s start with Leonardo.

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Leonardo AI For AI Images (Even If You Can’t Draw a Stick Figure)

Okay, let’s start with a confession: I love crafting and painting, but I’m not an artist. I’ve tried creating digital drawings and it was – well – BAD!

So when I discovered, I fell in love. And maybe you won’t agree that AI images are art, but for people who can’t draw that well, they help a lot. Just imagine what you can create in a few seconds.

So, what exactly can you do with Oh, where do I even begin?

  • Digital Stickers: Remember when we had to hire designers or spend hours trying to create cute stickers for our planners and journals? Not anymore! With, I can whip up adorable, eye-catching digital stickers in minutes.
  • Clipart: Need some fun illustrations for your e-book or course? has got your back.
  • Realistic AI Images, paintings, watercolor images, etc.: Whether you need a stunning cover for your e-book or scroll-stopping graphics for your social media, can create it all. I’m using it to generate these unique characters in this blog post.
Leonardo AI

I know what you’re thinking “That’s awesome! But is it easy to use?”

You will have to use it daily to learn how it works. It does have a ton of options, so it’s not as easy. I got overwhelmed the first time I used it. But luckily you can practice for free because you get 150 tokens daily.

Here’s a quick step-by-step on how to use it:

  1. Sign up to
  2. Think of the image you want to create and get inspired by other people’s work
  3. When you find the style you like, you can click on the image and then click on the button ‘Remix’
  4. Write your own description of an image you want to create
  5. On the left side, you will see different options. Pick and choose the ones you want. Just know some options probably won’t work after the first week because you only get 1 week of premium tools (for example: PhotoReal and Alchemy) to test out.
  6. When you’re ready to get your AI image, click the purple button “Generate”
  7. Wait a few seconds (it could take 30-60 seconds) and voila, you’ll get your images
  8. Choose from the options it generates and download your favorite ones

Pro tip: Be specific in your descriptions, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Some of my best designs came from totally random ideas!

But before you test it out, know this is a tool – and it will make mistakes. It could make people with 6 fingers, but hey, you’ll get a good laugh.

So, if you’re like me and your artistic skills are more “enthusiastic” than “expert,” give a try.

Claude For Content Creation

Claude AI tool

Next up is Claude, my go-to for longer content like e-books and comprehensive guides. Think of Claude as that super-smart friend who’s always ready to brainstorm and help you flesh out your ideas.

Why Claude rocks:

  • Helps you dive deep into topics, adding richness and detail to your content.
  • It keeps your writing tone consistent.
  • Great for overcoming writer’s block – just throw in a rough idea, and it’ll help you get the ball rolling.
  • And it can create a longer output than other AI tools.

Here’s a quick peek at my Claude-powered writing process:

  1. I tell it to give me an outline for my e-book or guide
  2. Then I ask it to expand on each topic with relevant info and examples
  3. Then I review and share my personal experiences and insights
  4. Use Claude to help refine and edit the content
  5. Final review and voila, you’re done.

The result? E-books and guides that are not only packed with valuable information but also maintain that personal touch that my audience loves.

Using Claude has cut my writing time in half. What used to take me weeks now takes days. And the best part? The quality of my content improved. I’m able to create more in-depth, well-researched products without burning out.

Save time

Remember: Claude is a tool, not a replacement for your unique voice and experiences. Use it to enhance your content, and always check all the facts. AI tools can be wrong, and you don’t want to spread information that might hurt your customers.

ChatGPT (You Probably Know This One)

Let’s talk about the Jack-of-all-trades – ChatGPT. This is my secret weapon for, well, pretty much everything else.

So, what do I use ChatGPT for? Buckle up, because the list is long!

  • Digital Journals and Planners: Creating engaging prompts and sections for journals and planners used to take me hours. Now, I brainstorm with ChatGPT, and within minutes, I have a whole list of thought-provoking questions and useful planning sections.
  • Printable Content: Whether it’s checklists, worksheets, or quick guides, ChatGPT helps me generate ideas and content quickly.
  • Product Descriptions: Struggling to write compelling product descriptions? ChatGPT can help you highlight the benefits and features of your digital products in an engaging way.
  • Email Sequences: I use ChatGPT to draft email sequences for product launches or nurture campaigns. Right now I’m pairing it up with my Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit to make the emails for my Black Friday offer.
  • Social Media Content: From caption ideas to content calendars, ChatGPT is a goldmine for social media inspiration. You can learn how it’s helping me create a month of Social Media content in 2 hours.
  • Course Outlines: When I’m planning a new course (for example my AI Marketing Mastery), ChatGPT helps me break down topics into logical modules and lessons.
  • AI-Generated Digital Art: While is my go-to for complex visuals, ChatGPT is fantastic for quick and simple graphics. I especially love using it for digital stickers.
ChatGPT AI Content and Image Generator

Here’s how I typically use ChatGPT in my workflow:

  1. Start with a clear idea of what I need and tell ChatGPT the details
  2. Then I start refining my request as we go (it’s like giving feedback on what you want or don’t want)
  3. Review and personalize the suggestions
  4. Use the output as a starting point for my digital product

Pro tip: The key to getting the most out of ChatGPT is to be specific in your requests and give feedback. If you don’t like the first output, refine your request and try again.

Now, a word of caution: as amazing as ChatGPT is, it’s not perfect. Always fact-check important information and put your own spin on the content it generates.

Putting It All Together: Your AI-Powered Product Creation Workflow

So, how do these tools work together in real life? Here’s a peek at my workflow:

  1. Brainstorm product ideas with ChatGPT
  2. Use to create visuals and graphics
  3. Outline content with ChatGPT
  4. Expand on the content with Claude
  5. Use ChatGPT to generate additional elements like journal prompts or worksheets
  6. Final review and add personal touches

The result? Products that look professional, provide real value and don’t require you to pull all-nighters.

Check out these 50 Outstanding Digital Product Ideas You Can Sell On Social Media

But Wait, Isn’t This Cheating?

I get it. I felt a little guilty When I started using these AI tools. Like I was taking a shortcut or somehow cheating my customers. But here’s the thing: these AI tools aren’t replacing your creativity or expertise. They’re enhancing it.

Think of it this way: if you were writing a book, would you feel guilty for using a laptop instead of a typewriter? Of course not! These AI tools are just the next evolution in our creative toolkit.

beautiful woman working on her laptop in her home office

These tools free you up to focus on the big picture stuff – like connecting with your audience and coming up with profitable digital product ideas.

And let’s be real – they also free you up to have a life outside of your side hustle. (Remember life? That thing we had before we started our businesses?😅)

Wrapping It Up

Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? Let’s do a quick recap of our AI dream team for digital product creation:

  1. Your go-to for stunning visuals and digital art
  2. Claude: Your writing buddy for long-form content like e-books and guides
  3. ChatGPT: Your versatile assistant for everything from planners to social media content

So, how do you get started? My advice? Jump in and start experimenting! Each of these tools has a bit of a learning curve, but it’s so worth it.

And hey, don’t forget to have fun with it! There’s something truly exciting about seeing your ideas come to life with the help of AI.

Top AI Tools for Digital Product Creation. Create Digital Products Fast And Increase Your Income

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