Is it possible to make money online without paying anything?
Yes, it’s possible, but also it can be difficult and frustrating if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why thousands of business owners struggle to earn their first buck online.
I know most marketers hesitate to invest money before they see any results. And I get it because I used to be in those shoes too. That’s why we are going to talk about how to make money online without any investment.

1.) Make Money Online with Video Marketing
Oh boy, here we go again 😉 You will have to step out of your comfort zone because video marketing is one of the strongest and fastest ways to make money online.
You can give more value through video. Not only that, you will build trust with your audience. Do you know when most sales are made? If you said “When people trust me…” – then you are right 🙂
Show them that you care, provide lots of value, and help them solve some of their problems. Next time they will face a challenge, they will think of you.
So where can you use video marketing?
- Youtube
- Facebook Live (on profile, pages, groups)
- Facebook stories
- Instagram stories
- Sharing links to your videos on other social media platforms
- Sharing links to your videos in emails
2.) Use Social Media to profit
We can’t ignore social media because it’s the #1 tool for your online success. Connecting with people is easier and faster. Imagine sending letters instead of Facebook/Instagram messages 😉
WARNING: No spam allowed!
To make money online you will have to follow some rules. I know they are meant to be broken – but not this one.
No one likes spammers, especially social media platforms. I know some people who had good accounts with lots of followers but they lost it all overnight.
Here is what you should do instead:
- Share value (something that will help your audience)
- Show your lifestyle (they have to get to know YOU)
- Be funny (if you make them laugh, they trust you faster)
- Share your story (or someone else’s)
- Inspire and motivate people
Learn more about how to write effective posts that sell
You can be on more than one social media platform, but just know it’s going to take you more time. We live in a fast and busy world, so any extra minute that we can spend without family is precious. There is a solution for that, but it’s not free.
I will mention it here because it will help you make money online and spend more time with loved ones.
The solution is called SociaMonials and it’s social software that will help you schedule and automate your Social Media posts fast.

3.) Commenting on other people’s posts/videos
This might sound weird, but it works. Start commenting on other people’s posts and videos (everywhere). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should spam your link.
What you should do is show you support them by saying something nice and relevant. Then you can share your own story.
I’ll give you an example – let’s say someone made a post about their successful weight loss:
- Congratulate them and tell them you’re really proud of them
- Share your weight loss story (emotional)
- Don’t tell them the name of the product that helped you (curiosity)
- When others respond to your comment (which could happen) -respond back to them, but still not share the product name
- Check your messenger (usually some people will reach out to you)
- Respond to them, build relationships and trust
- Sell your product when they are ready 🙂
4.) Make Money Online by giving away Freebies
Wait, what?!? Giving away free stuff will make you money? Why YES my dear friend. I’ll explain how you can do that.
When making a freebie, you give value to your audience. Because you help them solve an obstacle they have – they MAGICALLY trust you more.
People buy from people they trust.
While you give them massive value, you can also include your links to some of the products that helped you.
Here are the steps you should that when making a freebie:
1.) With what do they struggle most? – make a research
2.) Start writing a free e-book (or make a video course….)
3.) Your story: overcoming the struggle and benefits of products (links)
4.) But also give them FREE tips and resources
Always write with emotions because that’s when your audience will connect with you. You can learn more about this here: Transformational Storytelling For Brands That Want To Build Trust.
You can make money online without paying anything. However you have to know it can take you longer to see results, but it’s not impossible.
You will also have to be consistent with what you learned in this blog post. Consistency will always bring you the best results.
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