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Freebie Ideas That Will Grow Your Email List FAST

Want to grow your email list fast? I’ll share with you some killer Freebie ideas that will help you get more leads and sales.

So why is Email Marketing so important if you are a blogger or a marketer? Because it’s the best and fastest way to reach your audience, help them out and make more sales down the road.

It’s also YOUR list – not Facebook’s or Instagram’s list. If your social media profiles get shut down (which happens a lot), you can still reach your audience through emails.

But to grow a bigger list of loyal readers and customers, you have to first give them something of value. Yes, that’s called a Freebie or an Opt-In.

So let’s start with some Freebie Ideas and all you need to know about this topic.

1.) 10 Freebie Ideas You Can Use To Grow Your Email List Really Fast

  1. An eBook
  2. Mini e-Course
  3. Checklists
  4. Cheat sheet
  5. PDF
  6. Video
  7. Audio
  8. Coupon code
  9. Challenge
  10. Give away

**Click here for a list of 35 Freebie Ideas that you can use and explode your email list.**

STOP Struggling and Build Your Email List FAST with these FREE 35 Freebie Ideas

2.) What Marketing Freebie Ideas Should You Offer?

The first thing you need to do is – KNOW YOUR GOALS. What do you want to achieve with the Freebie, who do you want to help, what will they get out of it?

Think of your audience and make something they need and will benefit from it, but also think about which product or service can you offer them at the end of the freebie or in the emails (Don’t SPAM THEM!!!).

If you don’t know what your audience wants then ask them. Don’t just assume they want to learn about something that you love. They can and will surprise you 😉

3.) 5 Elements Of Successful Freebie:


It has to be REALLY valuable for your audience. They have to feel like you gave them gold, but also make sure you don’t give them everything. You want to sell a product or service right? So would they buy it if you would give them everything for free? 😉 No, they sure wouldn’t.


Try to solve ONE problem that your audience has, not all of them. This way you won’t confuse them. Usually freebies are short and to the point.


Don’t complicate it. Make a simple freebie that anyone can follow and understand. If you give them too much information they will just get overwhelmed.


Your freebie should be consistent with what they were reading on your blog or anywhere else. You can’t promote a weight loss freebie if you were talking about making money online. Makes sense, right? 🙂


Don’t forget to make follow up emails that your audience will receive when they sign up. Send them a welcome email right away, and there you give them their freebie.

4.) Where To Put Your Freebie Ideas?

There are many places you can promote your freebie ideas. Social media platforms are one of them, but make sure you don’t put a link in the posts. You won’t reach that many people because you are sending your audience off of the platform. And no, social media platforms really don’t like that 🙂

Here’s what you can do instead;

Make a post talking about the topic that you cover in your freebie. Then ask your audience if they want to learn more and if they say yes, you contact them and send them the freebie.

Here is another way;

You make the post and tell them they can receive the freebie by clicking the link in the first comment under that post.

You can share your freebie ideas on your blog and in blog posts. Just make sure you don’t spam all over. Include your freebie at the beginning of your blog post and at the end of it.

Another awesome place where you can share your freebie ideas is PINTEREST. I absolutely love this platform! You can reach a lot of people when you make a pin offering your freebie. But obviously you have to do it right.

I learned how to use Pinterest from an amazing course called Pinterest Ninja. It covers from A to Z everything you need to know plus more. And it’s made in a simple way so anyone can understand what steps to take. So if you’re ready to skyrocket your results and grow your email list EXTREMELY FAST then grab your Pinterest Ninja course here and start learning today. You’ll be really impressed with fast results.

Pinterest Ninja

5.) How Can You Make Freebie Ideas?

It’s not complicated at all. You probably heard of Canva – a free online tool that can help you make amazing pictures but also pdf’s and more.

Hmmm…what about if you made a video freebie? Well then upload it on YouTube and just share the link to it. See I told you it’s not complicated 😉

What if you really, really, reaaaallllyyy don’t know how to make a freebie? Then hire someone from, tell them what you want and they will make it.

6.) How Can You Deliver The Freebie?

For that you will need to have an autoresponder, Google drive or Dropbox. Sometimes I also put it on my site. If you will do that too, make sure you really connect it to your email provider or else you will waste your time and won’t build your list.

Let’s talk about autoresponders. I personally use GetResponse but there are also other autoresponder providers like AWeber and MailChimp.

For landing pages I use Elementor because I have a blog and I can make all the landing pages on it. You can also choose from ClickFunnels and LeadPages.

I know this part is a bit too much to handle if you are just starting with email marketing, but stop worrying 😉 Here is a Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing. Read it and share it with those who are struggling. You’ll see it’s not so complicated 🙂

7.) Here Are Some Freebie Ideas And Examples

  • Freebie with free worksheet, ideas and template:
Free Worksheet for blog post ideas, blog post title ideas and sample blog post template
  • Goals cheat sheet freebie:
Email Marketing Goals Cheat Sheet
  • And the last one that I already offered here in this blog post:
STOP Struggling and Build Your Email List FAST with these FREE 35 Freebie Ideas


In this blog post, you learned about Freebie Ideas and how to use them to grow your email list. Now it’s your turn; if you want to see results fast, take action and START today.

Test different freebie ideas and see which ones perform better. Make similar freebies and you will see how fast you will get from zero to hero 🙂

So what freebie will you create first?

Grow Your Email List - 10 Awesome Blog Opt-In Freebie Ideas Grow Your Email List - Here are 10 Awesome Blog Opt-In Freebie Ideas Grow Your Email List With These 10 Awesome Blog Opt-In Freebie Ideas

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