Use Facebook Live Video Marketing To Get More Views And Sales

If you’re using Facebook for your online marketing business, you should focus on doing Facebook live videos.

It’s no secret that those who are doing video marketing see better and faster results. You probably want to be one of them, right? 😉 If that’s the case then you should learn more about how to use Facebook live to your advantage.

So let’s dive into the video marketing world…

4 things you should do before a Facebook live to get more views and engagement:

Before you start a Facebook live you should focus on these next points that I will share with you down below.

1.) Make a schedule and stick with it:
You have to set up a schedule because you will have to do Facebook live videos every single week on the same day and time.

EXAMPLE: Mondays at 9 pm

If you will be consistent, your audience will know when to expect your videos. So make sure you show up and shine 😉

2.) Facebook live ideas (topics):
Have you ever started a FB live but you didn’t know exactly what you will talk about? And then you were just sitting there in front of the camera, speechless and ashamed?

If you want to avoid that awkward situation then make sure you have a topic idea that you will talk about.

***Get Your FREE Facebook Live PDF (Topics and Ideas) HERE***

Share as much value as possible because that way your audience will see that you could potentially solve their problem(s). You know what they say:
“The more knowledge you have – the more you are valuable to your audience.”

If you are struggling with getting ideas for your Facebook live videos, then use this amazing tools:

You know how to use Google and Youtube, so I will only explain Buzzsumo.

In the search bar just type the topic you think you should talk about. It will show you the most popular topics that are getting shared the most.


3.) Create a great headline:
You need to hook your audience right away so use your imagination. What kind of headlines attract you to watch the video? Curiosity? 😉

When you have a headline, you can put it in the CoSchedule headline tool which will tell you how good is your headline and what can you improve. Also make a research on how leaders in your niche are doing it.


4.) Engage on other peoples posts and videos:
To get more engagement and eyeballs on your Facebook live videos, you will have to show some love on other peoples posts and videos too. Hey, what you give is what you get 😉

It’s not going to be enough if you will just like. You will also have to comment. Yes it’s a bit more work but trust me it’s really worth it.

Read more about how to get massive Facebook engagement by clicking here.

How to use Facebook live:

It’s not that hard to use this amazing tool so don’t panic 🙂 We will go step by step (with pictures).

1.) First step is to go on your Facebook profile and click Live Video:

facebook live 1

2.) Second step is to write your awesome headline, set the camera and microphone:

facebook live 2

3.) Third step is to set up Facebook live poll (optional) and go live:

Facebook live 3

Check your Facebook chat and comments because your audience will communicate with you. If they have any questions make sure you respond to them.

Here is an extra tip to get high engagement…strip down into your Adam or Eve costume and watch how your engagement goes up 😉 Obviously, this is just a joke 🙂

But what can actually help you is a Free giveaway or an interview. Try out different things and see what works best for you and your audience.

How Facebook live can help you build your online business fast:

Video marketing is one of the most effective strategies that you can use to promote your online business.

Trust is built faster and also you can provide much more value to your audience. Imagine making a post instead of a video where you would share all that information. Hmmm, would it look like a LONG, boring book? 😉

You will also show how brave you are. Say WHAT?!? That’s right my friend. Many online marketers are afraid of doing Facebook live videos – but you are not one of them. People look up to those who have a whatever-it takes attitude.

Facebook live tips for 2019

These are my top Facebook live videos tips for 2019:

  • Add value, more value and oh yes VALUE
  • Plan ahead and do your research
  • Tell your story (facts tell but stories sell)
  • Be yourself and don’t worry what other think of you
  • Watch your posture (your audience is watching)
  • Clean up your looks (be presentable)
  • Be consistent (schedule your Facebook live videos)
  • Have lots of FUUUUUUN!!! 😉

Buy Facebook live viewers?

This is another really important topic that we have to cover. I see some people who are buying Facebook live viewers and guess what happens when they do that?

First of all, no one believes they got 1K views if they have almost no likes and comments.

Second of all, this hurts their engagement on all of their other posts and videos.

The more you buy fake views and likes, the less REAL engagement you will get.

You want to attract real people because that is where the sales are made. So if you’re ready to learn how to get MASSIVE engagement, leads, and sales, then check this amazing training.

Facebook live download:

The last thing we have to talk about is the Facebook live download. Why is this so important? Let me explain…

Facebook live to Youtube:
When you make a Facebook live video, you reuse it and post it on your Youtube channel. How cool is that? 😉 You make a video once, but you can have it in two (or more) different places. You will save up a lot of time.

How do you download a video from Facebook?

facebook live 4

Click on the three dots in the right corner and there you will see the download video. That’s all. Simple isn’t it 😉


Facebook live videos are really popular in online marketing. If you want to sell more, then this is definitely the strategy you have to look into.

Did you ever hear that money is on the list? Well, I have to add that money is in the video marketing 😉

In this blog post, you learned all of the juicy tips about Facebook live videos that will help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Which tip is your favorite?

Facebook Live Tips: How To Use Facebook Live And Get More And Get More Views- Big Income Paradise