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In today’s blog post, we’re going to cover how you can grow your Facebook group fast! I have been getting a ton of questions about this, so that’s why I decided to cover the top 11 strategies that will help you out.

The most crucial strategy is #11. You should never skip that! Watch the video or read about all the techniques below. And before you do that, I would like to invite you to our Free Marketing Coaching group, where you’ll learn a ton of Social Media tips & business hacks. Click here and see you on the other side.

#1: Promote it to your email list

You can mention your Facebook group inside the welcome email, or in any newsletter that you send out.

#2: Promote it in your freebies

If you’re creating a freebie, don’t forget to mention your Facebook group at the end. Invite people to join and connect with you.

#3: Promote it on Social Media platforms

You can create and pin your post to Twitter, Facebook page, or just link in the post. You can also promote your group in the description of your cover photos or Instagram BIO. The possibilities are endless! And if you’re having trouble getting noticed on a platform like Instagram.

#4: Mention it in your live videos

If you can promote your products in live (or pre-recorded) videos, then why shouldn’t you mention your Facebook group, right? Test this strategy out next time when you’ll do a video.

#5: Include a link in your blog

You can also mention your Facebook group in the menu bar of your blog.

#6: Mention your group in blog posts

When you’re writing your post, mention your group at the beginning or the end. This is my #1 traffic source to my Facebook group.

#7: Put it in the sidebar of your blog

The sidebar of your blog can be a great place to advertise your Facebook group. You can create an attractive graphic, add it to the side of your blog and link it to your group.

#8: Share the link on the YouTube

You can promote your group in the description of videos, in your about section, and mention it in the videos.

#9: Use Pinterest to promote your group

Pinterest can be a great source of traffic. So why not use it to get more people into your Facebook group? Create a beautiful pin, describe what your group is all about, add some keywords in the description, and link to your group.

#10: Promote your group on thank you page

When people subscribe to your email list, you can send them to a thank you page. So use this strategy and invite people to your group. You’ll be surprised how many new members you will get in.

#11: (IMPORTANT) Give people a KILLER reason

Giving your audience a killer reason why they should join your group is one of the most crucial parts. Maybe you’re most active in your group, or you’re sharing specific tips. Tell them all about it.

Don’t forget to connect with me in our Marketing Coaching Group. Inside I share many different Social Media strategies tailored to you, content tips, business hacks, and so much MORE! See you on the other side!

Big Income Paradise FREE Marketing Coaching Group

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