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October is such a fun month, isn’t it? The weather’s cooling down, Halloween’s on the way, and people are in the mood to spend!

This makes it the perfect time to give your digital products a fresh push. Whether you’re selling e-books, online courses, Canva templates, or even digital stickers, I’ve got 27 October marketing ideas that’ll help you get more holiday sales and engagement.

Check them out and use the ones you really like.

27 Fun And Profitable October Marketing Ideas To Help You Sell More Digital Products

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

The Simple Solution to Effortless Holiday Sales

The holidays are coming up fast, and your to-do list is already a mile long. Between juggling your business, family, and everything else, the thought of getting your holiday marketing ready feels overwhelming 😱

That’s exactly why I created the Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit. It gives you everything you need to plan your holiday promotions, saving you time and stress. Here’s what you’ll get inside:

  • How To Boost Your Holiday Sales Mastery E-book to learn key strategies that will boost your holiday sales.
  • 21 customizable email templates to engage your audience and boost sales without wasting time.
  • 32 Canva graphics to create eye-catching, professional promotions in minutes.
  • An 81-page holiday planner to organize all your sales, promotions, and marketing efforts in one easy-to-follow plan.
  • AI prompts and a video guide to help you create high-converting content quickly and confidently.
  • Fill-in-the-blank social media templates, including:
    • 16 post templates to raise awareness of your audience’s challenges.
    • 15 questions for market research to understand your audience better.
    • 17 promotional posts to directly promote your offers.
    • 50 hooks to grab attention.
    • Multiple call-to-action ideas to encourage engagement and sales.
  • 21 ready-to-use holiday email sequences that nurture relationships and drive sales on autopilot.
  • Holiday marketing checklist to ensure you don’t miss any steps in your planning.
  • Last-minute Holiday marketing ideas for when you’re in a crunch.
  • 50+ AI-generated Holiday images and stickers to make your promotions pop.
  • 17 Holiday Facebook banner templates to elevate your social media presence.
  • 13 Holiday blog banner templates to enhance your blog’s appeal.
Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll have more time to focus on your family, enjoy the holiday season, or even relax with some much-needed downtime.

With your emails and social media posts already planned and ready to go, you won’t be stuck behind your computer during the busiest time of year.

The Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit takes care of the heavy lifting, so you can focus on connecting with your customers and making more sales. Get your $30 discount today, and head into the holidays feeling prepared, confident, and ready to make this your most profitable season yet.

27 Profitable October Marketing Ideas to Boost Sales

1. Spooky Bundle Deals

Who doesn’t love a good deal, especially when it’s bundled together? Create a special “Halloween Bundle” with your most popular digital products this October.

You can combine 2-3 products and offer them at a discount. For example, if you sell Canva templates and an e-book on brand building, put them together as a special offer. This increases the value for your audience.

To create urgency, promote your bundle with a limited-time offer. Highlight how this deal won’t come back until next Halloween (if ever) and use a countdown timer to nudge those last-minute buyers. You’ll be surprised how often people make a purchase just because they don’t want to miss out!

You might love to read my other blog post: 13 Halloween Digital Products To Crate and Sell Now.

three beautiful girls dressed as witched for Halloween surrounded by pumpkins

2. Flash Sales on Fridays

Flash sales are short, sweet, and can drive a ton of sales. Pick every Friday in October (or just a couple) and run a flash sale on your digital products. Offer a discount, but keep it small—10-20%—so you’re not undervaluing your work. Make sure to promote it heavily via email and social media so your audience knows it’s coming.

What makes flash sales work so well is their sense of urgency. Customers know they only have a few hours to snag the deal, which leads to quicker buying decisions. You can even set up tiered flash sales, where different products get discounted on different Fridays. This keeps your audience engaged and checking back each week.

3. Offer an October-Only Bonus

This is a fun one! Offer an exclusive, October-only bonus with every purchase. For example, if you’re selling an online course, throw in an extra workbook or templates for free. This kind of bonus is attractive because it adds value without lowering the price of your main product.

It also works well as a “surprise” for your existing audience. Mention that anyone who purchases during October gets the bonus automatically, and make sure to emphasize the time-sensitive nature of the offer. After all, no one likes missing out on a limited-time freebie!

woman working on her laptop in fall surroundings

4. Use Halloween-Themed Social Media Captions

Your Halloween captions are a powerful tool for driving engagement and, ultimately, sales. In October, have fun with it by using Halloween-themed language to draw attention. Say things like “Don’t ghost this deal!” or “This offer’s as sweet as candy!” to bring in that festive vibe. It’s lighthearted, and people tend to respond more when posts feel timely and fun.

You can even use your captions to encourage your followers to check out a special sale or limited-time offer. Add a clear call-to-action at the end of your posts like, “Only available until midnight on Halloween!” Remember, engagement can lead to sales, so keep your audience entertained while nudging them toward your products.

5. Host a 5-Day Sales-Boost Challenge

A challenge is a great way to keep your audience engaged and make more sales. Here’s just one idea:

  • host a 5-day “Boost Your Sales Before the Holidays” challenge. Each day, give your audience a small, actionable task that helps them improve their fall marketing, product presentation, or sales techniques. The key here is to make sure your tasks highlight how your digital products can help them.

You can create any kind of challenge, as long as it relates to your niche and the products you’re selling.

At the end of the challenge, offer an exclusive discount or bundle deal for participants. Because they’ve spent the week learning from you, they’re more likely to trust you and invest in your paid products. Plus, you can use the challenge to build up your email list for future promotions.

woman working on her laptop in the forest - fall season

6. Create a Spooky Giveaway to Build Your Email List

Giveaways are a fantastic way to grow your email list, which is essential for nurturing future customers. This October, create a spooky-themed giveaway for one of your digital products. The entry requirement? People must subscribe to your email list. You can also add bonus entries for sharing the giveaway on social media or tagging friends.

Once you’ve built up your email list, you can start sending valuable content that nurtures your new subscribers. After a few helpful emails, hit them with a well-timed offer or a flash sale. Giveaways might not result in immediate sales, but they set you up for success in the long run by expanding your audience.

7. Fall-Themed “Best-Sellers” Product List

Sometimes, your audience just needs a nudge toward your most popular products. Create a fall-themed “Best Sellers” list, highlighting your top digital products for the season. Use cozy autumn visuals and language to showcase why these products are perfect for the colder months, and how they can help your customers reach their year-end goals.

This tactic works because it simplifies decision-making for your audience. Instead of browsing through your entire shop, they can focus on a select few options that are already proven to work for others. It’s all about helping them find the right product with less effort.

woman working on her laptop in the forest - autumn

8. Run a Trick-or-Treat Promotion

Who says trick-or-treating is just for kids? This October, run a fun “Trick or Treat” promotion where your customers get a surprise discount or bonus. You can automate this with a pop-up on your website where people “pick” a treat to reveal their special offer—think 10% off, a free bonus product, or even early access to a new item.

This kind of playful promotion is super engaging and can help you increase holiday sales by giving customers an extra reason to buy now. Plus, the surprise element adds a bit of excitement, making it more likely they’ll share their experience with others.

9. Collaborate with Other Creators for a Bundle Sale

Teaming up with another creator can be a game-changer! Find someone in a complementary niche and create a Halloween-themed bundle that includes both of your products. For example, if you sell social media templates, partner with someone who offers copywriting guides, and sell them together at a special price for October.

Not only will you reach a brand-new audience, but you’ll also double your marketing efforts since both of you will be promoting the bundle. It’s a win-win situation, and bundle sales tend to feel more valuable to customers, which can lead to increased conversions.

three women dressed as witches for Halloween

10. Create a Special Halloween Discount for Email Subscribers

Reward your email subscribers with an exclusive Halloween discount code. This type of loyalty offer makes your subscribers feel valued and encourages them to make a purchase. Send out an email with a spooky-themed subject line like “Your Exclusive Halloween Treat Is Here!” to grab their attention.

Make sure the discount is limited-time only, so they feel the urgency to buy. You can also include a countdown timer in your email to visually show how much time they have left to snag the deal.

11. Offer Halloween-Themed Product Customizations

If your digital products are customizable (think templates, planners, or designs), add a Halloween or autumn twist. Maybe it’s as simple as offering fall-themed colors or spooky fonts for Canva templates or creating a Halloween version of your digital planners. This small touch can create a seasonal buzz and make your products stand out during October.

People love limited-edition anything, and this tweak gives them a reason to purchase now rather than later. Plus, themed products often catch more attention on social media, driving new customers to your shop.

two women dressed for Halloween surrounded by pumpkins

12. Host a Spooky Social Media Challenge

Social media challenges are a great way to drive engagement and sales. Host a spooky challenge where your audience can participate by creating something related to your products. For example, if you sell Canva templates, challenge your audience to create Halloween-themed graphics using your product. The prize? A discount or free product from your shop.

This not only encourages people to use your products but also boosts your visibility as participants will share their creations on social media, tagging you. More eyes on your products means more potential customers.

13. Run a “Last Chance Before the Holidays” Promotion

Remind your audience that October is one of the last opportunities to grab your products before the holiday season chaos begins.

This strategy taps into the urgency of year-end planning, which many people start thinking about around October. Highlight how your digital products can help them get a head start on their New Year goals.

And if you need a head start too, you’ll love my other blog post with Unique Winter Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Digital Business.

woman working on her laptop in a home office decorated for Christmas

14. Create a “Behind the Scenes” Offer for Your Audience

People love seeing the process behind the products. Offer a behind-the-scenes look at how you create your digital products and give your audience early access to new releases. This helps build excitement and trust, making your audience feel like they’re part of something special.

You can also throw in an extra incentive for your most loyal followers. Maybe it’s an exclusive offer or first dibs on a limited-edition product. Either way, you’re adding a personal touch that can lead to more sales.

15. Launch a New Digital Product

October is a great time to launch something new! Whether it’s an add-on to your existing products or a completely new offer, a product launch creates buzz and excitement. If you need some ideas, then check out these 7 Most Profitable Digital Products To Make Your First $1,000.

Use Halloween-themed marketing to promote the launch, maybe even offering an exclusive discount for early buyers.

You can build anticipation by teasing the launch a couple of weeks in advance, sharing sneak peeks, and hyping it up through your email list and social media. A well-timed product launch can give you a nice sales boost right before the holiday season kicks off.

beautiful girl dressed for Halloween working on her laptop

16. Use Limited-Time Bonuses to Drive Sales

Instead of discounts, offer limited-time bonuses with your products. For example, if someone buys your online course, they also get a free e-book or template, but only if they purchase before the end of Halloween. This adds extra value to your product without cutting into your revenue.

Bonuses work because they make the purchase feel like a better deal, and they can push potential customers who were on the fence to finally hit the “buy” button. Just make sure the bonus is relevant and valuable to your product and audience.

17. Host a 24-Hour Halloween Sale

A 24-hour flash sale can create a sense of urgency and excitement around your products. Promote this sale across all your platforms—email, Instagram, Facebook—letting your audience know they only have one day to take advantage of a special Halloween deal.

Keep the sale simple: offer 10-15% off, or bundle two products together for a lower price. The short time frame encourages immediate action, which can lead to a quick spike in sales.

two women dressed as witches for Halloween

18. Offer Done-for-You Services as a Limited-Time Offer

If you’re a pro at creating digital products, why not offer a done-for-you service for a limited time? For example, if you sell social media templates, offer a service where you customize the templates for your customers or create a set of posts just for them.

You can charge a premium for this, and because it’s a limited-time offer, you’ll get more interest from those who might not usually invest in a high-ticket service. It’s a great way to boost your income for the month.

19. Offer a “Halloween Surprise” Product Drop

Everyone loves surprises! Offer a Halloween-themed product drop, where you release a new product that’s only available for a limited time in October. It could be a new digital planner, a seasonal template, or a spooky design kit—anything that fits your niche.

Promote this drop with some mystery—tease the launch for a few days leading up to it, but don’t reveal all the details until the big release day. This builds excitement and makes your audience eager to see what you’re offering.

two women dressed as witches for Halloween surrounded by pumpkins

20. Run a Buy More, Save More Sale

Encourage customers to purchase multiple products by offering a “buy more, save more” sale. For example, they save 10% if they buy one product, 20% if they buy two, and 30% if they buy three or more. This strategy increases your average order value and motivates people to stock up on your digital products.

You can run this sale for the last week of October, leading up to Halloween, and promote it across your email list and social channels. It’s especially effective for customers who are already familiar with your products and are looking to grab a few more.

21. Create an “End of October” Sales Goal Challenge

Challenge your audience to hit a specific sales goal or productivity milestone by the end of October, using your digital products as a tool to help them. For example, if you sell content bundles, challenge them to create 10 pieces of content by the end of the month. Offer a discount or bonus to those who participate and share their progress.

This type of challenge is interactive and keeps your audience engaged with your products, which can lead to more purchases as they see how useful your products are for hitting their goals.

woman working on her laptop, money on the table, autumn vibes

22. Host a Halloween-Themed Virtual Event

Virtual events are still popular, and October is a great time to host one with a Halloween twist. Instead of a boring webinar, make it fun—maybe a virtual Halloween party where you share tips, tricks, and strategies for using your digital products. You could even throw in some spooky trivia or games to keep it lighthearted.

During the event, you can offer exclusive deals or bonuses to participants, encouraging them to buy on the spot. Virtual events are a great way to build community and make direct sales in real-time.

23. Create a Halloween-Themed Digital Product

Lean into the season by creating a Halloween-themed version of one of your digital products. For example, if you sell design templates, create a spooky set of templates specifically for October. Or if you sell online courses, offer a special Halloween-themed workshop.

This limited-edition product can attract customers who love seasonal items and help you stand out in the marketplace. Promote it across your channels as a “once-a-year” offer, creating urgency and excitement.

beautiful girl surrounded by pumpkins and two ghosts for Halloween

Do you need some Holiday-themed content? Then you’ll love these 120+ Free Holiday Social Media Posts For Your Business.

24. Offer a Mystery Discount Code

People love surprises! Offer a mystery discount code to your email list or social media followers, where they won’t know the exact discount until they check out. You can create several different discount levels (10%, 15%, 20%) and randomly assign them to customers.

This adds an element of fun and encourages people to check out your products just to see what discount they’ll get. It’s a playful way to drive sales and create excitement around your digital products.

25. Create a “Season of Savings” Email Series

Start an email series in October called “Season of Savings,” where each week you highlight a different product and offer a special deal or bonus. This helps you keep the momentum going throughout the month and gives your audience multiple chances to make a purchase.

Each email can focus on a different theme—productivity, creativity, marketing—depending on what products you’re offering. Make sure to emphasize the time-sensitive nature of each deal so your subscribers feel the urgency to buy now.

woman working on her laptop in the forest with fall vibes

Do you want Halloween content? Then check out my blog post with 50 Killer Halloween Social Media Posts for Digital Product Creators.

26. Sell Pre-Orders for a Holiday-Themed Product

Get ahead of the game by selling pre-orders for a holiday-themed product in October. This could be a digital journal for the new year, a holiday social media content pack, or a bundle of templates designed to help your audience get ready for the festive season.

Pre-orders give you a quick cash injection and help you see if your audience is interested in the upcoming product. Promote it as a limited-time offer, with special pricing or bonuses for those who order early.

27. Use Instagram Stories to Drive Sales

Instagram Stories are a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and driving sales. In October, use your stories to promote limited-time offers, share customer testimonials, and showcase your digital products in action. You can even use the countdown sticker to remind people when your sale is ending, adding urgency to your promotions.

Be sure to use the link sticker to direct people straight to your product pages, making it as easy as possible for them to purchase. Stories disappear after 24 hours, so they create a sense of urgency that can push followers to take action quickly.

You might also love to read: 145 Unique Fall Instagram Captions For Small Business.

woman working on her laptop - getting social media engagement - autumn season

Wrapping It Up

With these 27 marketing ideas, you’re all set to make October your most profitable month yet! Whether you’re focused on boosting sales, growing your email list, or creating excitement around your products, there’s something here for everyone. So, don’t wait—October won’t last forever.

fun and profitable october marketing ideas

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