Many entrepreneurs get their business in trouble because of what they are posting on Social Media. Some end up blocked from doing certain activities, while others bore their audience out.
That’s why I decided to write this blog post and show you what you should and shouldn’t post on Social Media.
But before you keep reading, I would like to invite you to our Free Facebook Coaching Group. Inside, you’ll learn all sorts of Social Media strategies, business hacks, and so much more!
What should you post on Social Media?

If you want to grow your following and engagement, you will have to mix up your Social Media content. Here is a full list of posts you should be creating:
Poll questions
Get to know your audience, what they struggle with, what they love, and show them you are interested in helping them. Poll questions are also very great for engagement.
Question posts will boost your Social Media engagement. You will also get to know your audience and increase curiosity.

If you want to get more followers, then over-delivering knowledge is the way to go. After all, that is what people are searching for. They want to see if you have the experience to help them out.
Your audience has to get to know, like, and trust you. Sharing stories of your struggles and how you overcame them will help you gain your audience’s trust.
Funny posts/videos
Do you love watching bloopers and laugh? Well, your audience does too. You don’t need to be super serious in business – at least not all the time.
From my personal experience, I know people open up and trust you more if you make them laugh.

Everyone loves free stuff, particularly if it helps them solve some of their problems. That’s why you should create at least 3-5 freebies that solve some of your audience’s obstacles.
Also, make sure the freebies closely connect to the products/services you are selling, or you won’t have much success selling them.
Giveaways & contests
Give your audience a chance to win something. Giveaways and contests can be very fun, so many will participate. If you want to get more people interested, then make sure your prize is exceptional.

You mustn’t overdo it with the Social Media quotes. If you want to share more of them, make sure you give your two cents about it. Show your followers how you think and what you believe in.
It’s time to step out of your comfort zone. Turn on the camera and make a video, especially if you want to build trust faster.
It has been proven that people who are not afraid to show their face build more powerful and better relationships with their audience.
User-generated content
It’s beneficial for your business growth if you share testimonials and reviews. Showcase what your followers think about your products, services, and business.
Here’s an example of a testimonial I got from one of my clients:

Can’t come up with content ideas? Get 120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love.
Blog posts
If you’re a blogger, then it’s obvious you want more traffic to your site. That’s why you should be sharing articles on Social Media. It will help you position yourself as an expert in your niche.
Let your followers in your life. Show them what’s going on, what you are working on, how you’re enjoying your day. It will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Product photos
When you’re promoting your products, it’s also great to show the images. Many of your followers are probably visual people; that’s why it’s smart to showcase what you’re selling.
Sharing infographics will increase your Social Media engagement because people love them! They are fun to look at and very educational. So start creating them, and watch your engagement grow.
If you’re tired of overthinking about what to post and wasting hours on content creation, then check out the reviews of these 4 Killer Social Media Content Calendars.
What should you avoid posting on Social Media?

Spammy Business Posts
You shouldn’t be promoting your products daily. Your audience will see you as someone who only wants to make money and never wants to help them out.
Start using the 80/20 method; that means 80% of the time, you share valuable content, and only 20% of the time, you should talk about your products/services.
Political or religious content
These are the two sensitive subjects. Every person has their own strong opinion, and you can easily hurt someone’s feelings or get negative responses.
Learn about these 13 Killer Hacks To Improve Your Social Media Content.
Negative content
You can share some of the bad moments because no one is living a perfect life. But if you’re always pessimistic about every situation, you will drive people away.

Sharing false information
Always do your research before you share any tips, tricks, or strategies. Misinforming your audience can backfire on you and your business. If the audience takes your advice and gets terrible results, they will unfollow you.
Start creating these 7 TOP Valuable Types Of Social Media Content.
Racist post
You shouldn’t be posting racist stuff! Not just because you will get horrible feedback but also because it’s just not okay. It would be best if you treated everyone nicely.
After all, we are all human beings. So if you want to grow your following and business, stay away from racist content.

Spelling or grammatical mistakes
We all make mistakes sometimes. That’s why you should always proofread your content. Grammar errors will hurt your business.
That’s why you should go through your posts a couple of times and fix the mistakes. You can also use Grammarly, which is a convenient tool for all content creators.
Post Threats
You should always avoid posting threats. It’s not okay to threaten others just because you don’t like or agree with them. Not only can you lose your account, but people can also report you to the police. You can get in huge trouble!