Have you been trying to increase your Social Media engagement but didn’t have much luck? If this has been stressing you out, then you have come to the right place.

In this beginner’s guide, you will learn what you need to analyze, what type of content you should be sharing, how to boost engagement after you stop getting it, and so much more!

But before you read more, I would like to invite you to our Free Marketing Coaching Group, where you’ll learn a ton of Social Media hacks, business tips, and so much more.

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain my blog and business so that I can deliver more value and knowledge to you.

How do you increase engagement on Social Media?

How do you increase engagement on Social Media

Analyze your content performance

Checking your analytics can be tedious. However, it is essential for your business’s success. You have to know what types of content your audience loves. 

When you know that part, content creation will become easier. And when you share similar posts, your engagement will start rising. 

Know your audience (talk to & with them)

Your audience has to feel like you’re talking to and with them. They need to relate to the content, and that’s when your engagement will get higher.

It’s essential to know your audience, their struggles, and their goals. If you share valuable information to help them solve some of their problems, they will feel like you know them.

Value content (knowledge)

Value content (knowledge)

Knowledge is the reason people will (or won’t) follow you. Most entrepreneurs fail at this step because they share mediocre value.

So go above and beyond when you’re talking about a specific topic. Share tips and hacks that most people don’t talk about. It will help you get more followers and Social Media engagement.

Engaging content

There are different types of Social Media content you need in business. To get a higher engagement, create polls and ask questions.

Here are other engaging content ideas for you to share:

  • user-generated content (testimonials, reviews),
  • funny posts & GIFs,
  • videos (live & recorded),
  • giveaways & contests,
  • ‘Ask me anything’ posts (encourage your audience to ask you questions related to your niche),
  • interesting graphics 

Before you read on, grab over 4,200+ pieces of Social Media content to help you boost engagement & make money online [Only $27.99]!


Content Vault - Big Income Paradise by Petra Šranc

Engage in other people’s posts

If you want to get a higher engagement, then you should be engaging in other posts first. The more you do it, the more Social Media engagement you will get.

It will take you some time and energy to get hundreds of likes and comments. However, don’t give up too soon. It took me about a month to get over 100 likes and around 60 comments when I was doing this.

When I used this Facebook engagement formula for a couple of months on my personal account, I got over 300+ likes and almost 200 comments.

Facebook Engagement Formula

Slowly respond to comments

When you start receiving comments, respond to some of them but not all of them! Wait until you start noticing your engagement is slowing down.

That’s when you should respond to one comment because it will boost your post into the newsfeed again. Also, try to ask questions so that you keep the engagement going.

Share stories

By sharing your stories of how you struggled and what you did to see better results. That’s when they will start engaging.

Your followers won’t be able to resist engaging in your content if they see you went through the same (or similar) obstacles they are going through right now.

content marketing and storytelling strategies

Post at the right time (check the analytics)

Posting at the right time will depend on when your audience is online. I did some research, and here is what other people are saying:

  • The best time to post on Social Media is somewhere between 9 PM – 12 AM (EST)
  • My personal experience: 4 PM – 5 PM (EST)

You should always check your analytics because those times will be more accurate. However, if you want to learn more, read my blog post: What is the best time to post on Social Media for businesses?


Posting every single day is a must-do in business. Your audience has to get reminded you exist. And the only way to do that is by consistently sharing content.

So it would be smart if you create your Social Media content calendar. It will help you be more organized, prepared, and consistent. 

But if you’re a busy entrepreneur who’s always short on time, then I suggest you grab my Ultimate Social Media content bundle.

You will get 12 months of content planned out for you, a ton of done-for-you Social Media posts, graphic templates, content ideas, catchy headlines, and so much more!

A Solution For Busy Entrepreneurs To Create Valuable, Engaging Content And Grow Your Business FAST!

Social Media tools to help you boost engagement

Graphic & video tool:

Canva became a fantastic and must-have tool for entrepreneurs. It offers many beautiful graphics, videos, elements, audio, and so much more!

You can create beautiful images and videos to gain more followers. Canva also allows you to create presentations and even record them. Many people ask if upgrading to a Canva PRO account pays off, and my answer is YES!

It’s the only tool you will need for creating graphics and videos. So investing in it is smart because you get a ton more options to save time and make killer content.

Are you looking for more tools? Check out these 40+ Business & Social Media tools that will give you an unfair advantage.


Social Media Analytics:

You can check out the analytics on each Social Media platform. They offer it for free, so use it at least once per week (when you’re scheduling your posts). 

This tool will help you post at the right time. And by now, you already know it’s essential to share your content when your audience is online. It will increase your chances of getting a higher Social Media engagement.

Create Magnetic Content

You have to learn how to create magnetic content if you want to increase your engagement and sales. There are many different ways you can do that.

Let’s talk about the most important things about great posts:

  • Killer headlines that attract people to read
  • Your post has to evoke emotions in your audience
  • Call to action to tell your followers what they should do next
  • Include beautiful graphics that will attract people to your post
The Magnetic Content Kit

Now you know how to increase your Social Media engagement. These are all proven strategies that work for my clients, and I’m sure you will see amazing results too.

You will have to be patient and consistent, but if you follow the tips in this article, you will boost your engagement in no time.

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