If you want to grow your business faster, then you should create these TOP 7 Social Media content types:

  1. Story posts
  2. Value and knowledge
  3. Poll Questions
  4. Freebies
  5. Images
  6. Videos
  7. Funny posts
Top 7 Types Of Social Media Content You Need In Business

We are going to look deeper into these 7 types and explain why you should create them.

And if you want to learn more about Social Media marketing & business tips, then join us in our Free coaching group.

What are the TOP seven types of Social Media content?

1.) Story posts

Story posts do very well in any business or niche. That’s because your audience will get to know, like, and trust you.

Trust is the key point of successful sales. Without it, your audience won’t buy from you.

PRO tips:

  • Share your stories more often,
  • Make sure your stories evoke emotions,
  • They shouldn’t be boring, 
  • The stories have to be relevant to your product,
  • Share a structured story.

If you want to learn more about Storytelling and Content marketing, then click here and grab my mini e-book.

content marketing and storytelling strategies

2.) Value and knowledge

You will first have to give value to your audience before they even consider buying from you. If you want to stand out from the crowd, make sure you are not sharing mediocre knowledge. 

PRO tips:

  • Find trending topics in your niche and share top tips,
  • Analyze your competitors content, see what’s missing, and share an improved version,
  • Always under-promise and over-deliver, 
  • If you can, include great visuals.

3.) Poll Questions

From my experience, poll questions are the best for boosting engagement on Social Media. It is easy for people to click on one of the options you give them. That’s why so many are interacting with it. 

PRO tips:

Another advantage of poll questions is; you can get to know your audience better. 

  1. Ask them what they struggle with or what they want to learn next,
  2. Then give them a couple of options they can choose from,
  3. That’s how you will know what topics they are interested in,
  4. Then create more content around those topics

Here’s an example of a poll I created a while ago:

example of Social media poll question

4.) Freebies

A freebie should help your audience with a specific problem. Something they are struggling with.

You don’t need to solve all of their obstacles, but you should share enough knowledge to give them some results.

PRO tips:

  • Do your research and figure out what your audience is struggling with most,
  • You can create a mini e-book, mini e-course, a checklist, guide, etc.,
  • Make sure you collect the emails (grow your email list),
  • Don’t forget to nurture your subscribers even after they receive a freebie (provide more value in the future)

5.) Images

Images are an essential part of every Social Media platform. So make sure you put more effort into creating amazing visuals that will attract people. Experiment with different fonts, colors, photos, elements, etc. 

Graphic design - images

PRO tips:

  • Bright colors usually work best (test it out to see how your audience reacts),
  • Make sure your fonts aren’t hard to read
  • Only use photos that are of excellent quality

Want to know what are 7 damaging Social Media posts you should NEVER publish? Read my blog post here.

6.) Videos

Video marketing will have a significant impact on your business. The more people hear and see you, the more they will trust you. And as you know by now, building trust is crucial for your success. 

PRO tips:

  • Use good lighting and microphone,
  • Look into the camera (your audience has to feel you’re talking with them),
  • Before you create a video, map out what you are going to talk about
  • Ask your viewers questions
  • Thank them for watching the video
Video marketing for your business

7.) Funny posts

Sometimes it’s good to lighten up the mood. Create a humorous post (GIF, video, image, etc.) related to your business or life.

You will be blown away by how many people will relate to you. Not only will you get more engagement, but your audience will like you more.

PRO tips:

  • Don’t joke around about sensitive topics (you might hurt someone’s feelings, and that can damage your business & brand),
  • Include visuals (images, videos, GIFs) to make your post more interesting.

Do you need some Social Media content ideas? Check out my blog post: 120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love