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Have you ever sat down to make a lead magnet and then suddenly had a million questions and concerns?

  • What kind of lead magnet should I create?
  • What makes a good lead magnet?
  • What if no one likes it?
  • What kind of freebies people would actually want to download?

We’ve all been there! And this block usually happens because of two things – we don’t know what our audience wants, or we don’t know how to create a great freebie.

The good news is – that is precisely what we’ll cover here and erase your doubts and worries. Below is a simple step-by-step guide that will help you come up with great freebie ideas. These ideas will convert your audience into loyal subscribers and buyers!

Before we begin, I would like to invite you to our Free Community of outstanding female entrepreneurs. Inside, you’ll learn all about marketing and promoting your business through different strategies. See you inside!

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Know your target audience

First of all, you need to know who your ideal audience is. What are their interests, concerns, and problems? What do they need to have or achieve in life?

If you already have an established business, you know exactly who your ideal clients are. If not – then you’ll have to create a detailed avatar. Start with the questions below and do your research.

  • What problems are they facing at the moment?
  • How can you help them solve that problem?
  • What type of content do they read the most?
  • What do they want to achieve?
what makes a good lead magnet is knowing your target audience

Get into their shoes and understand what makes them tick (and buy). Only then will you be able to come up with great freebie ideas.

By knowing your target audience – you’ll be able to provide the optimal solution. This way, when someone reads your lead magnet, they’ll think: “Wow! This is just what I’ve been looking for!”

Once you’ve got a clear idea of who your audience is and what they want, it’s time for some topic brainstorming. So read on to learn more.

Decide on the topic you’ll cover

Now that you know what your audience is struggling with, you can find multiple topics to cover. So I want you to write down 5-10 subjects your followers want help with.

Once you’ve got them, you must choose the number #1 topic closely related to your product or service. You will have a higher chance to sell them if your freebie is related to your paid offer.

And if you’re wondering what to do with the rest of the subjects you wrote down – save them for your future lead magnets. For the time being, just concentrate on the one you picked.

Let’s move on to the most IMPORTANT part.

What makes a good lead magnet is – FOCUS. The more focused it is – the better results your audience will get!

What makes a good lead magnet is – FOCUS

For example, let’s say you sell weight-loss products. Then you could create a lead magnet about healthy eating recipes or workout plans that are easy to do at home. These two topics fit in perfectly with your product and will help people get results faster!

However, don’t try to cover everything. If you want to make a great freebie, create a short and simple one so your audience can go through it fast.

Stick with 1 subject per lead magnet and optimize it for conversions. This way you will get leads for a lifetime!

Choose what type of a lead magnet you will create

Now that you know what your topic is, it’s time to decide on the format of your lead magnet. As you already know – there are different types of lead magnets, and each one has its own pros and cons:

freebies and lead magnets


People love watching videos. They’re practical and easy to consume but only when done right! However, video creation is not for everyone. If it doesn’t feel good to you, choose another type of lead magnet.


Checklists are easy to create and read. They’re perfect for the “at-a-glance” type of information that your followers want. A significant benefit is that they don’t take up much of your time. But the con is that they don’t give that much value, so your audience might not see the worth.

Download these Free 35 freebie ideas that will help you rapidly grow your email list.

STOP Struggling and Build Your Email List FAST with these FREE 35 Freebie Ideas


Infographics are great for visual people to go through. When done right – they convert well, but for them to look appealing, you’ll need a great tool like Canva.


A workbook is a great way to attract more leads. You can add tables, checklists, or mind maps to it so your readers can implement the information you give them even faster! The problem with this type of lead magnet is that it takes more time to create.


If you’re looking to create a great freebie that will provide a lot of value, then an e-book may be the right choice for you! They tend to have high conversions and can help people solve their problems. Check out my Graphic Vault, where you’ll get a beautiful e-book template and over 30+ Social Media and Blog templates.

The Graphics Template Vault


A challenge is a great format to give your audience. If you make them enjoyable, they’ll be more willing to complete it and share their results (which will help your business grow faster!).


As I’ve said before – a great freebie is easy to implement. So if you can give your audience a template that they’ll use on their own – it makes the process way faster for them! No matter what type of lead magnet you choose, always think about how useful and actionable it is.


This type is mainly used by marketers. It can turn out to be a great way to attract new leads! You can give your audience scripts to use when they go on sales calls, prepare for an interview, or when they have a meeting with a customer.

There are many killer lead magnet examples that you can choose from. Think about what format would suit your business best, and go for it!

It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can even include your product or service in the freebie since it will help people even more. Here’s one of my examples:

include your product or service in the freebie

Give your freebie an attractive name

This is another critical step because it will attract your target audience. Choose carefully, though! Make sure the name is relevant to the topic you’re choosing, straightforward, and easy to remember.

Here are 17 irresistible headline ideas you can use:

  1. 10 easy ________ you can do at ________
  2. The shortcut to ________
  3. Save time by ________
  4. (3) easy ________ hacks
  5. The problem with ________
  6. (7) things you must know about ________
  7. The ultimate guide to ________
  8. (5) proven steps to ________
  9. How to ________ without ________
  10. The beginners guide to ________
  11. Get rid of ________ once and for all!
  12. The ultimate formula for ________
  13. Everything you need to know about ________
  14. Done-for-you ________
  15. 100+ secrets to ________
  16. Your go-to method for ________
  17. (9) ________ scripts you can steal

Create a great freebie

Now that you’ve figured out what type of lead magnet you want to create, it’s time to get down to business!

What makes a good lead magnet are these important factors below:

  • It should be easy for your audience to understand and implement.
  • Your lead magnet must provide a lot of value. It should help people solve their problems faster!
  • You must include links that will guide people to your website or Social Media.
  • Always add a CTA (call-to-action) on your lead page so you can get more subscribers. Your CTAs should be short and easy to understand, too!
  • You should create an email sales funnel – a sequence of emails that will build relationships and eventually sell your products or services.

There are many effective ways you can use to make sure your lead magnet is impressive. If you want to learn how to get more traffic to your freebies and grow your email list, then get my List Building Mastery course. You’ll discover:

  • What tools you should use,
  • How to get better leads on Social Media & Pinterest,
  • What types of lead magnets you should create,
  • And which list-building mistakes you should avoid.
The List Building Mastery

Conclusion on what makes a good lead magnet

In this article, you learned what topic you’ll cover and what type of lead magnet would work best for your audience. This is a great way to start your list-building strategy because it’s effective, and you’ll gain subscribers faster!

A great freebie will give your target audience value. That’s why you should think about their problems and develop creative ways to solve them. Always remember that the easier it is for people to use, the better.

You’ll attract the right people to your website or Social Media platforms because you’re giving them something relevant to what they need or want! Your lead magnet will be a good first impression, too, so make sure it’s informative and well-written.

You can grow your email list for free with a great freebie. So take action now!

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