Have you been trying to use Facebook for business? But none of the strategies work!

You are consistently posting, yet all you hear are crickets. Ona like, and no comments?! Sounds familiar? That can be extremely frustrating. After all, you’re investing a ton of time crafting your Facebook content.

Then you open up your messenger just to find a bunch of spammy messages. And not a single one with interest in your product. Ugh! The disappointment!

Hey, don’t worry. You will finally get the results you deserve. In this blog post, you will learn the best Facebook tips for business.

I have been carefully testing and tweaking strategies for years. And I’ll share with you what works and what doesn’t. We are going to turn your Facebook from ‘meh’ to a robust sales machine.

But before we start, I would love to connect with you. Join our Facebook Community, where you will learn more about Social Media Marketing Hacks. We also talk about content strategies and various useful business tips. Sounds great? Then click here and see you on the other side.

How To Use Facebook For Business Like a PRO

Why Should You Use Facebook For Business?

There are many great reasons! But the number one is; Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly active users!

So I’m sure your audience is there. You just need to attract them to your Facebook profile, page, or group. 

You can also build an influential community of fans who will love and trust you. That’s why it’s essential to create a group. Facebook puts a lot of emphasis on it.

I noticed that people engage and share more in groups than in any other place. That’s because they feel secure.

Facebook Profile vs. Page vs. Group:

You might be thinking, which one of these is better? It all depends on your business and your preference. Let’s break it down, shall we?

Facebook Profile:

You can use your profile successfully and make a ton of profit. However, over the last couple of years, it got a bit more challenging.

That’s because the Facebook algorithm is always changing. Yet, you can beat the algorithm. Just make sure you’re not getting in trouble with Facebook. We are going to discuss the algorithm at the end of this post.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of using a Facebook profile for business.


  • The profile feels more personal,
  • You can look professional and approachable,
  • You will gain followers and friends faster,
  • And they will feel comfortable sharing their struggles


  • If you turn your profile to professional mode, you are limited to 5000 friends, but you can have unlimited followers,
  • You can’t use ads with your profile,
  • There is no analytics tool to help you see when is the best time for you to post (except if you turn on the professional mode). But I made a video where you will learn a powerful Facebook hack. It will help you post when most of your audience is online. Watch this short 4-minute video.


  • To achieve a professional look, create a good cover photo,
  • Use a profile photo of you (don’t forget to smile),
  • Complete your intro or about section,
  • Don’t forget to link to your Facebook page, blog, etc.,
  • And make sure your privacy settings are set to public.
Facebook Profile by Petra Šranc from Big Income Paradise - Professional Mode

Facebook Business Page:

You can create a Facebook page completely free. It will look a lot more professional than a profile. But to gain followers, you will have to invest money or put a lot of work into it.


  • Your page will present you as an expert,
  • You will be able to use Facebook ads,
  • You can access the analytics and scheduling tool.


  • Paying for ads to get more reach,
  • Sometimes your ads won’t be approved,
  • Be careful about what you post.


  • Make sure you fill out the About section,
  • Don’t post too much promotional content,
  • Always use your Facebook analytics,
  • Use the scheduling tool to save time.

Facebook Group:

To be honest, this is my top favorite platform (besides Pinterest). You can build a large community that trusts you. And that is every entrepreneur’s dream.

Lately, I have noticed a lot more posts from groups at the top of my newsfeed. So it’s evident that Facebook is favoring them.


  • They are great for building a community of raving fans,
  • You can grow your Facebook group very fast,
  • Members in your group are more targeted,
  • Posts made in groups are more likely to show up in the newsfeed,
  • People feel comfortable sharing their struggles with you.


  • A group is harder to keep organized,
  • It will take you more time to manage it,
  • You can’t use Facebook ads.


  • Take time for your group members (support and help them out),
  • Publish posts daily to consistently show up in the newsfeed,
  • Focus on building a SAFE community,
  • Create some rules to avoid spam,
  • Don’t overpromote your products or services.

At the end of the day, you decide where you’ll build a business. And you CAN succeed anywhere. As long as you attract your target audience and turn them into hungry buyers.

Now let’s look at the crucial parts that will help you successfully use Facebook for business.


How To Use Facebook For Business

1.) Building Relationships:

You should focus on connecting with people. Get to know them on a more profound level. After all, they are the focal point of your business.

Building a strong relationship with your followers will increase your revenue. But don’t focus only on the profits! Remember, people are NOT dollar signs. Treating them with respect is essential if you want to have a successful business.

So how can you build strong relationships? In short, ask, listen, and take notes. I’ll explain what I mean.

To connect with your followers, you should ask the RIGHT questions. The ones that help you figure out what their struggles are. That will help you with content creation (value), which is another significant part.

But those questions can sometimes be too serious. So don’t overuse them. Your followers want to also have some fun. Well, don’t we all?

That’s when asking interesting poll questions comes into play. Everyone loves taking polls because they are simple to use. One click, and you have their answer.

There are many different ways you can build strong relationships. Pay attention to your followers. Appreciate them, be nice, and communicate openly.

2.) Posting daily (Consistency):

If you’re not posting consistently, you will lose your followers and income. But don’t worry; you can change that today.

You should commit to posting at least once per day. Although you shouldn’t overdo it either. Share up to 3 posts per day. And scheduled them 3-4 hours apart.

Instead of posting too much, start using Facebook stories. They are very popular! And you can publish as many as you want. Make sure they are engaging, valuable, and enjoyable. 

Consistency is vital if you want to have a higher reach. Yet it’s hard to come up with so many different content ideas. I get it because I also struggled with this. 

There is always a solution to any problem. You can create a Social Media content calendar that will help you with consistency.

However, creating your own content calendar can take you days or even weeks to finish! You’re a busy mom who has to take care of her kids. You also have to clean the house, go to your job, and still work on your business. You don’t want to spend hours creating your calendar, right?

I’ve created over 7+ Years of Social Media Content Ideas for small business owners. It works for any platform. Now using Facebook for business will be effortless. 

7+ years of social media content ideas

3.) Using Facebook For Business Is Easier With Higher Engagement:

Have you ever heard this saying: “Content is king, but engagement is queen!”

Well, it’s true! Engagement is vital! It will boost your posts to the top of the Facebook newsfeed. That means you will have more visibility, which equals traffic. And your business needs it!

So how can you skyrocket your Facebook engagement? I’ll be honest with you. It takes some work. So if you’re ready to put in some effort, let’s look at what you will have to do.

You must engage in other people’s content every day. If you want to get noticed, then like their posts and leave meaningful comments. Do this 15 minutes before you publish your own post and 15 minutes after. 

That will show Facebook that you are an active user. You will be rewarded with more views on your content. But wait, you need to be careful!

Don’t engage too much and too fast. Facebook will prevent you from commenting and liking posts. In short, you will end up in Facebook jail.


Don’t worry; this is not real jail. It just means you won’t be able to take specific actions (engagement, publishing posts, etc.) for a few hours, 3-6 days a week, or sometimes even longer.

To avoid being punished, follow Facebook’s terms, and don’t exaggerate with any activities.

If you’re still failing to get higher engagement, check out these vital factors that will help you increase it:

  • Make excellent and exciting posts,
  • Be funny and share memes or GIFs,
  • Give a lot of valuable knowledge,
  • Share your story,
  • Be positive and inspiring.

VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the Facebook algorithm, you really have to be careful about how you write your posts. You can’t use specific call-to-action words (engagement bait).

Here are some examples that you shouldn’t use:

  • Comment below (instead, you should say, “Let me know what you think”)
  • Share my post (use something like: “Spread the word”)
  • Like my post (say this: “Who’s with me?”)

You also might be interested in my blog post: 25 Social Media Engagement Ideas To Boost Your Business.

4.) Creating Engaging Facebook Posts:

You’re indeed using Facebook for business. But that doesn’t mean you should only share promotional posts. No one likes a “walking billboard.” 

That’s why you should mix and spice up your content. It should be entertaining and engaging. Your audience needs to laugh, feel emotional, learn something new, etc.

But you’re busy! There are so many tasks you need to do every day. I don’t have a magic wand that will give you extra 5 hours per day. But I can give you 57 Facebook Post Ideas To Increase Your Engagement. These are done-for-you posts that you can use as soon as today.

The most important part of your content strategy should be storytelling. As kids, we grew up with stories. They have the power to evoke emotions in your followers. And that is precisely what you need to achieve to sell more products.

There are many marvelous Social Media content ideas your audience will love. All you need to do is figure out which ones are their favorites. These 100 Social Media post ideas will definitely help you.

100 Killer Social Media Post Ideas To Boost Your Engagement

5.) Make Your Business Easier With Scheduled Posts:

Using Facebook for business can be very stressful and time-consuming. You’re an extremely busy mom, so time is essential to you. 

That’s why you should start using a scheduling tool. Work smarter, not harder. That’s why I love using Facebook. It provides you with this tool completely free!

Facebook scheduling tools can be found inside your group or page. But unfortunately, it doesn’t exist on your personal profile. Nevertheless, we should focus on what we have. Let’s look at each individually.

How to schedule posts on a Facebook page:

On the left side of your Facebook page, look for ‘Meta Business Suite.’ Click on it, and the tool will open in a new window. You will see a blue button that says ‘Create Post.’ That’s where you will be making your content and scheduling it.

How to schedule posts on a Facebook page - Facebook Meta Suite

You’ll also be able to see all your scheduled posts, drafts, videos, and more. Study and become familiar with the tool. And don’t worry; it’s very straightforward and easy to use.

How to schedule posts in a Facebook group:

When you’re writing your posts in a group, you can directly schedule them. I included an example below for you to see. This scheduling tool is even easier to use than Facebook publishing tools.

How to schedule posts in a Facebook group

Other tools for scheduling:

I want you to have more options. That’s why I’m going to share other tools for scheduling your posts. Now before we start, you need to know these aren’t free.

However, they can help you schedule posts for other Social Media platforms. 


This tool was created by my friend Katherine Sullivan and her team. It’s simple yet powerful software. You can choose and personalize content in seconds. Tassi will help you automate your Social Media, grow your following, and save a bunch of time.

Here are more details about it:

  • Recommended posts – so you don’t have to waste your time,
  • Pre-written statuses – no more writing them yourself,
  • Scheduling tool to help you post at any given time,
  • A graphic library that has thousands of fully customizable graphics. You can even brand them with your logo!

Make your business simpler by getting TASSI.

You can also check out these Social Media scheduling tools:

There is also a content planner in Canva PRO. It allows you to create and schedule your content (images and text).

6.) Use Facebook Analytics:

Don’t you just love it when Social Media platforms provide you with free tools that help grow your business? That’s why you need to take advantage of them.

Analytics will show you popular days and times. Without this information, you would be wasting your time and effort.

Facebook group analytics:

You will find the analytics under the button ‘Engagement.’ All the information will be in your time zone.

Facebook group analytics - Facebook for business

Facebook page analytics:

First, click on ‘Insights.’ Then, on ‘Posts’ (check out the photo below). You will see data for a recent week. But be careful! The insights for the time of day are shown in the Pacific time zone.

Facebook page analytics - Facebook for business

Make sure you use the analytics at least once per week. For more accurate data, check it out before you schedule or post your content.

7.) Respond To Messages And Comments:

Have you ever been ignored by someone? It wasn’t a pleasant feeling, right? Then you know how your followers might feel. To get ahead in business, you will need to brand your Social Media properly!

So if you’re using Facebook for business, responding is a must! It will help you grow your engagement. Let me share with you a little secret. Well, it’s actually not a secret anymore.

Every time someone comments on your post, it boosts it to the top of the newsfeed. So the more they engage, the bigger your reach will be. 

Now just envision if you start a conversation in the comment section. Would your engagement grow? I’m sure it will, so test it out.

 Another excellent strategy is commenting on your older posts. It will have the same effect as if someone else would engage with it. Just make sure you’re doing that while your followers are online. 

While responding to messages won’t affect your engagement, it will help deepen relationships. To make more sales, you need people to trust you. And that can only be achieved by building authentic connections. 

It can be a little overwhelming at times. After all, there are so many assignments you have to accomplish in your business. But these are fundamental. I can’t stress enough how important it is to make your followers trust you.

Trust is a necessary component of sales. Without it, you will struggle to make money. And I’m sure you’re not willing to endlessly work for free. I mean, who would, right?

8.) Host Giveaways To Attract More Followers:

The easiest way to gain more followers is to host giveaways. Everybody loves to win free stuff. It’s a powerful strategy that will help you grow your business fast.

When creating giveaways, include some rules. For example, you can use the general ones; ‘Follow my page and leave a comment.’ And, of course, you can host it in your group, profile, or page. That’s entirely up to you.

There are also other growth strategies when you’re using Facebook for business. For example, if you decide to grow your Facebook group. You could share special freebies or make free masterclass videos once per month.

Don’t limit yourself just to giveaways. Even though they are the best for growing your Facebook accounts. Remember to test out different hacks. 

Host Giveaways To Attract More Followers

9.) Create More Facebook Live Videos:

You will be rewarded if you use different Facebook features. One of them is live videos. I know it can be scary to create them. However, it’s worth it!

The easiest and fastest way to gain trust is by making videos. It’s because people can hear and see you. So don’t hide behind the text. 

Imagine how this would enhance your authority and your revenue. Usually, the things we are scared to do the most are highly profitable. And hey, you have kids to feed and bills to pay. Why not take a shortcut to success?

But don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying creating Facebook live videos will make you millions in a week. It will just help you build your empire faster.

10.) Collaborate With Others:

Yes, this can work like a charm. If your followers see you interview a successful entrepreneur, they will automatically think you’re a PRO. It’s just how our brain works.

So don’t be afraid to reach out to experts. The worst that can happen is them saying ‘No.’ Or some won’t even bother to respond. But that shouldn’t stop you.

You know what they say, the more no’s you get, the closer you are to a YES! So make a list of all the entrepreneurs you want to collaborate with. They should be in the same niche as you. That way, you can ask them specific questions that your audience has.

People collaborating online

11.) Use Facebook Ads For Business:

I see many entrepreneurs who think they will be able to do everything for free. Unfortunately, that’s not true. So when you’re using Facebook for business, don’t expect that.

Ads are just one expense you will have to invest in. There are also others. For example, courses or ebooks that will teach you how to use ads.

That’s right; you’ll first need to learn! If you don’t want to waste your money, then invest in a valuable Facebook ads course. Learn the strategy and implement it. You will also have to set up a monthly budget for advertising.

And here’s the most important thing I have to share with you. NEVER pay someone to do your ads in their ads manager. I’m speaking from my own experience.

That happened to me, and it didn’t end well. I paid someone $500. And all I got was 4 leads! That’s $125 per lead! 

After the first couple of days, I saw the ad wasn’t converting. So I reached out to that person and said he should change some things in the ads manager. Guess what happened.

He NEVER responded back. I’m sure he didn’t use all of my $500 for the ad. Probably I paid for his bills or something. Lesson learned! So yes, you have to be careful who you trust.

12.) Facebook Algorithm – Do’s & Don’ts:

Their algorithm changes all the time. That’s why you should be up to date. I’m sure you don’t want to get in trouble with Facebook, right? 

So below are some of the do’s and don’ts you should know about. Facebook can punish your account by blocking you from doing particular things (liking, commenting, sharing…). But some people I know lost their accounts altogether. Yes, they got banned!

Because you’re using Facebook for business, you must read and learn about the algorithm. So let’s start.

Facebook for business do’s:

  • Genuinely interact with people,
  • Use Facebook tools (live video, polls…),
  • Start conversations,
  • Post when most of your followers are online,
  • You should post consistently (daily).

Facebook for business don’ts:

  • Don’t use engagement bait,
  • Never buy followers or likes,
  • Don’t post anything hurtful, 
  • Sharing links will cause lower engagement,
  • You shouldn’t over-do anything (for example: engaging too fast),
  • Never share fake news.

Summing Up Facebook For Business:

You can use Facebook for business and make a massive impact. But you will have to avoid the big Social Media mistakes that most people make. Just follow the tips written above. They will help you engage your audience and get to know them better.

All these tips and strategies are proven to work. I tested them out myself. Though it might take some time to see incredible results.

Facebook is one of the best Social Media platforms to help you build your business fast. That’s why you shouldn’t give up. Stay consistent and keep pushing forward. You got this!

So tell me, what’s the most challenging part of using Facebook for business? Please leave a comment below, and I will help you out.

How To Use Facebook For Business Like a PRO