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September is here, and you know what that means – it’s the perfect time to shake up your marketing strategy! 🍂 I like to take a fresh look at my plan every time a new season rolls around. It’s like a little reset for my business.

Whether you’re selling e-books, online courses, or printables, now’s the time to connect with your audience in new ways. I’ve got 17 fun and easy September marketing ideas that’ll help you get more engagement and, of course, increase your Holiday sales.

Ready to dive into some simple and creative ideas you can try today? Let’s get started!

17 Unique September Marketing Ideas to Increase Your Sales

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

17 September Marketing Ideas

1. “Back-to-Business” Sale

Summer’s over, and it’s time to get back to school…I mean business. Offer a discount on your products to help your customers get organized, inspired, or ready to tackle the rest of the year. This could be anything from a discounted planner to a course that teaches new skills.

Why it works: People love feeling like they’re getting a fresh start. And who doesn’t love a good deal? I know I do. It’s a great way to remind your audience that your products can help them hit the ground running.

You’ll also love to read these 15 Insanely Clever Fall Marketing Ideas For Your Business.

2. Launch a Fall-Themed Product

Fall is a vibe, and your products can totally tap into that. Think about creating a fall-themed version of one of your best-sellers. For example, if you sell digital planners, make a “Fall Goals” edition. Or if you offer design templates, create a fall color palette pack.

Why it works: Seasonal products create urgency. Your audience knows that fall won’t last forever, and they’ll be more inclined to buy now rather than later.

If you’re planning to launch a Halloween product, you’ll want to read this first: 13 Halloween Digital Products To Crate and Sell Now.

woman working on her laptop in fall surroundings

3. Host a 5-Day September Challenge

September is the perfect month to host a 5-day challenge. Whether it’s a self-care challenge, a productivity challenge, or a creativity challenge, this is a great way to get people involved.

Provide a freebie to help participants track their progress, and of course, mention how your products can make the challenge easier or more fun.

Why it works: Challenges build community and keep people coming back day after day. Plus, they’re a fun way to show off how your products can be part of their daily routine.

You might also love my other blog post with 113 Unique September Captions for Boosting Your Business Reach.

4. Show Off Your Fall Workspace

People love a good behind-the-scenes look, and what better time than September to show off your cozy workspace? Snap some pics or do a quick video tour showing your favorite fall decor, your must-have products, and how you get into the work groove as the weather cools down.

Why it works: This helps humanize your brand. When people see the real person behind the products, they’re more likely to connect with you and trust what you’re selling.

woman working on her laptop in the forest - fall season

You’ll also love these 100+ Killer September Social Media Ideas + Free Content Calendar

5. Create a “September Goals” Post

Encourage your audience to set their goals for September and share them with you. You can create a template they can fill out and post on social media, tagging your brand. Offer a little incentive like a discount or a freebie to those who participate.

Why it works: It’s interactive and gets your audience thinking about what they want to achieve—and how your products can help them get there.

If you want to inspire your followers, then check this out: 100+ Unique September Quotes To Empower Your Digital Business.

6. Run a Weekend Flash Sale

Surprise your followers with a weekend flash sale! Promote it as a “September Surprise” and offer a discount on one or two of your best-selling digital products. Make sure to give them a heads-up a day or two before, so they’re ready when the sale goes live.

Why it works: Flash sales create urgency and excitement. They’re quick, and fun, and can lead to a nice boost in sales over the weekend.

woman working on her laptop in the forest with fall vibes

7. Share Seasonal Tips with Your Products

Write a blog post or create social media content that shares tips on how to use your products this fall. For example, if you sell digital planners, you could write about “How to Stay Productive as the Days Get Shorter.” The key is to weave your products naturally into the tips.

Why it works: You’re providing value first, which builds trust. And by the end of the post, your audience will see just how useful your products are.

You might want to read my other blog post: 100+ Fall Interactive Posts for Facebook To Grow Your Digital Business.

8. Run a Customer Highlight Series

Celebrate your customers by featuring them on your social media. Ask them to share how they’re using your products, especially if they’ve got a fall vibe going on. Share their stories, photos, or even videos, and don’t forget to tag them!

Why it works: People love to be recognized, and this is a great way to build community. Plus, it shows potential customers real-life examples of your products in action.

woman working on her laptop in the autumn forest

Every business owner wants to make more money, and this blog post will show you How To Effortlessly Increase Holiday Sales (25 Clever Ways).

9. Host a “September Self-Care” Week

Dedicate a week in September to self-care tips and tricks, and tie them into your products. For instance, if you sell digital wellness guides, this is the perfect time to promote them. Share daily self-care ideas, and remind your audience that your products can help them unwind and recharge.

Why it works: Everyone needs a little self-care, and this theme is especially appealing as the hustle of the holiday season looms closer.

You might also love this blog post with 120+ Free Holiday Social Media Posts For Your Business.

10. Collaborate on a Fall Bundle

Find another entrepreneur in a complementary niche and team up to offer a fall-themed bundle. For example, if you sell digital planners, partner with someone who offers digital journals or digital stickers. The bundle could be a limited-time offer, combining both of your products at a special price.

Why it works: Collaborations help you reach new audiences. Plus, a bundle offers extra value, making it more appealing for customers to buy.

woman working on her laptop in a yellow home office

11. Share Your “Fall Favorites”

Create a list of your fall favorites and share it with your audience. This could be anything from your favorite fall recipes, e-books, or even podcasts that inspire you. Make sure to mention any of your products that fit into the list, like a fall-themed digital download or course.

Why it works: It’s personal and relatable. Sharing your favorites makes your brand feel more like a friend sharing tips, which can deepen the connection with your audience.

Halloween is approaching fast, so you’ll love these 17 Killer Halloween Marketing Ideas to Sell More Digital Products.

12. Offer a Free Fall-Themed Resource

Create a free, fall-themed resource like a checklist, printable, or e-book. This could be something like “Fall Productivity Hacks.” Offer it as a free download in exchange for email sign-ups.

Why it works: Freebies attract new leads and help grow your email list. Plus, it’s a chance to show off the quality of your products.

woman working on her laptop in the forest - autumn

13. Go Live with a Fall-Themed Q&A

Host a live Q&A session on Instagram or Facebook where you talk all things fall—how you’re prepping for the new season, tips for staying productive, and, of course, how your products can help. Make it casual and fun, like you’re chatting with friends.

Why it works: Live sessions are great for real-time engagement. Your audience can ask questions, and you can interact with them directly, which builds a stronger connection.

You might want to prepare your content ahead, so check my blog post with 50 Killer Halloween Social Media Posts for Digital Product Creators.

14. Create a Fall Mood Board

Design a fall mood board that reflects your brand’s vibe and aesthetic. Share it on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and with your email list. This could include fall colors, quotes, and images that inspire you, along with your products that fit the theme.

Why it works: Mood boards are visually appealing and can inspire your audience. Plus, they’re easy to share, which can help spread the word about your brand.

woman working on her laptop in a yellow room

Fill up your content calendar with these 145 Unique Fall Instagram Captions For Small Business.

15. Promote a “Last Chance” on Summer Products

If you have any summer-themed products, run a “Last Chance” sale before they go away. This could be the final push to sell those summer journals or courses before you switch gears fully into fall.

Why it works: It plays on FOMO (fear of missing out). If people know they won’t be able to get these products again for a while, they’re more likely to buy now.

16. Run a “September Specials” Email Series

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to drive sales. For September, plan a series of weekly emails that highlight different products or bundles as “September Specials.”

Each week, focus on one product or a small group of related products. Offer a limited-time discount, and be sure to explain how each item can help your customers as they get back into the swing of things after summer.

Why it works: Consistent, focused communication keeps your audience engaged and gives them multiple chances to buy. Plus, the weekly “specials” create urgency and excitement, which can boost sales.

woman working on her laptop in a blue teal home office

You’ll also want to read Why Early Holiday Promo Planning Makes You More Profitable.

17. Offer a “Buy One, Get One” Deal

Everyone loves a good BOGO deal! For September, offer a “Buy One, Get One” promotion on select digital products. This works especially well if you have products that complement each other, like a course and a workbook, or two different sets of digital templates.

Not only does this encourage customers to buy, but it also increases the perceived value of your products.

Why it works: BOGO deals are hard to resist because they offer something extra for the same price. It’s an easy way to boost your sales while giving your customers more value, which can lead to repeat business.

How to Boost Your Sales This Holiday Season

woman working on her laptop, money on the table, autumn vibes

Imagine it’s Thanksgiving. You’re at the dinner table, feeling the warmth as candles glow softly nearby. You can smell the turkey and pumpkin pie filling the air.

Around the table, your family bursts into laughter, remembering last year’s Thanksgiving when Aunt Suzy accidentally used salt instead of sugar in her pie.

But this year, you’re fully present. Why? Because you’ve already planned out all your holiday sales and marketing content beforehand.

There’s no rush to send out last-minute promotions – you did all that work in September. You’re fully there with your family, laughing and sharing stories, completely stress-free.

If you want to feel relaxed and enjoy your holidays without any stress, then I have something for you. The Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit – it will help you plan and prepare everything from your Halloween to New Year’s offers.

You’ll get easy-to-use templates, planners, and ready-made content to help you prepare your deals in advance.

With this kit, you’ll have everything organized and ready, so you can stop worrying and start enjoying the holidays. Ready to have a stress-free holiday season? Get your Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit today and make this the most profitable holiday yet!

Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit

Let’s Make September Awesome!

And there you have it – 17 unique and simple September marketing ideas that can help you connect with your audience, increase engagement, and boost your sales. The best part?

These ideas are easy to implement, so you can start seeing results right away. Whether you try one or a few, remember that the key is to stay true to your brand and have fun with your marketing. Now go out there and make September your best month yet!

17 unique september marketing ideas

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