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Is it hard for you to create Facebook post ideas that would get more engagement and entertain your followers?

You are not alone in this. Many digital marketers are struggling to increase their engagement by making killer content.

If you have been asking yourself: “What should I write on my Facebook Post?” Keep on reading because you will learn:

  • what works on this platform,
  • and how to increase your engagement.

So, are you ready to finally get more engagement on your Facebook posts? Besides all the tips and tricks, you will also get done-for-you content ideas.

If you love the sound of that, keep reading.

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

Organize and Plan Your Facebook Post Ideas:

You must start planning and organizing your Facebook posts. The organization will help you be prepared for the day, and it will save you a ton of time.

It will also help you with consistency. You probably heard by now that consistency is key to success. So you should be posting daily.

If you want your followers to remember and engage with you, you will have to make Facebook posts every single day. Yes, even on weekends and holidays.

It might sound like a ton of work; however, if you keep reading, I’ll share an amazing free tool that will save you a ton of time.

Now you might be thinking: “But how do I plan my Facebook post ideas?” – we are going to talk about the Social Media content calendar.

free 3-day social media content workshop
Get the FREE 3-Day Social Media Content Workshop Here

Social Media Content Calendar:

Let me share a quick story with you. In the past, I was struggling with consistency and creating content for my Facebook. So I totally get what you’re going through.

Because I wasn’t organized and prepared, I was always stressed out. Nobody has time for that, right? So I was searching for a solution, and I found it!

It was a Social Media Content Calendar – and it saved me more than 20+ hours every month. It will help you too.

All your content is already planned inside this calendar. All you have to do is grab your copy, check the calendar, and make a post.

You also might be interested in creating your own Social Media content calendar. You totally can – read my blog post that will help you create it step-by-step.

You might also love to read my article: How To Make 30 Days of Free Facebook Posts – 6 Simple Steps

Schedule Your Facebook Posts:

Facebook has a great free scheduling tool. You have it in your group and on your page. It’s not included in your personal profiles, but that’s ok. You should be focusing on growing your group and page anyway.

Facebook Group Scheduling Tool For Your Posts:

When you’re creating Facebook posts in your group, you will see a clock icon at the bottom right, next to the button Post.

Schedule your Facebook post ideas

Click on that clock icon, and another pop-up box will open. There you will be able to schedule your Facebook post. Below is an example of the Facebook scheduling box:

Schedule your Facebook posts

Facebook Page Scheduling Tool For Your Posts:

There’s also a scheduling tool for your page. I created this short video that will show you where you can schedule your posts.

Simple Software For Busy Entrepreneurs:

There is another way – a TASSI way! This amazing software will help you schedule your posts faster than ever. Here’s how it works:

  • TASSI allows you to schedule your social media posts – yes, Facebook posts included
  • It comes with preloaded recommendation posts, prewritten status, and customizable images
  • It tells you what to post and when
  • You can still create your own posts and schedule them

You can see the video below that will show you what TASSI is all about:


60+ Facebook Post Ideas That Will Increase Your Engagement:

Fill-in-the-blank Posts:

1.) Life would be boring without __________.
2.) I am grateful for __________.
3.) My favorite place to eat is __________.
4.) My favorite Social Media platform is __________.
5.) __________ inspires me the most!
6.) If I could travel anywhere right now, I would go to __________.
7.) Success is achieved by __________.
8.) I want to learn how to __________.
9.) I am __________.
10.) Today I feel __________ because __________.

This Or That:

11.) Tacos or pizza?
12.) Cake or cookies?
13.) Facebook or Instagram?
14.) Mountains or the sea?
15.) Meditation or yoga?
16.) Phone or laptop?
17.) Videos or posts?

This or that Facebook post ideas

You may also be interested in this blog post: 120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love

Facebook Poll Questions:

18.) What’s your must-have make-up item?
A) Foundation
B) Mascara
C) Eye shadow

19.) Would you rather have:
A) Maid
B) Personal Chef

20.) Which emoji do you use the most?
A) 💖
B) 😎
C) 😂

example of a Facebook poll question

21.) Why did you start an online business?
A) Money!
B) Help others
C) All of the above

22.) Do you believe in yourself?
A) Yes!!!
B) No, not really

23.) What do you want to learn more about?
A) Facebook Marketing
B) Pinterest Marketing
C) Instagram Marketing

Want more polls? Check out these 100+ Amazing Social Media Poll Questions To Skyrocket Your Engagement

Facebook poll questions - Facebook Post Ideas

More polls for Facebook:

24.) What’s your favorite color?
A) Pink
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Other

25.) Do you love traveling?
A) Yes
B) No

26.) Do you love to engage in Facebook polls?
A) Yes
B) No

27.) Which strategy do you think can give the best results?
A) Email marketing
B) Facebook marketing
C) Pinterest marketing
D) All of the above

Facebook poll questions

28.) Do you want to quit your job?
A) Yes
B) No
C) I’m not sure yet

29.) What helpful content should I create next?
A) How to lose weight at home without equipment
B) How to lose weight fast with a keto diet
30.) Are you happy with your income?
A) Yes
B) No

Funny Facebook Post Ideas:

31.) I wish one of my other personalities loved to clean. How about you?
32.) I don’t rise and shine… I caffeinate and hope for the best.
33.) Negative people have a problem for every solution.
34.) Smile while you still have teeth.
35.) Everyone is normal until you add them as your Facebook friend.
36.) I’m done with my 90 Day trial of 2020! How Do I Cancel my Membership?
37.) It hurts when you go to unfriend someone, and you find they’ve beaten you to it!
38.) I shouldn’t have driven home from the bar last night. Especially since I walked there.
39.) Not sure what my spirit animal is, but I am sure it has rabies
40.) If you’re going to be a smartass, you must first be smart. Otherwise, you’re just an ass.
41.) May your life someday be as good as you make it out to be on Facebook.

“Would You Rather” Post Ideas:

42.) Would you rather have a job working for someone else or work for yourself?
43.) Would you rather earn $10,000/month or get $1,000,000 right now?
44.) Would you rather lose weight fast or slow?
45.) Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
46.) Would you rather earn money or spend money?
47.) Would you rather travel by boat or airplane?
48.) Would you rather learn from Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos?

“What If” Questions:

49.) What if you could share one sentence, and the whole world could hear – what would you say?
50.) What if you could learn anything in the world, what would you learn first?
51.) What if you were given three wishes, what would you wish for?
52.) What if you could change one thing about the world? What would it be?
53.) What if you could have any job/business you wanted, which one would you have?
54.) What if you could start your life all over, would you do anything differently?
55.) What if you could live for 200 years? What would you do?
56.) What if you found a million dollars? What would you do with the money?
57.) What if you could read minds?

Other interactive Facebook posts

58.) Want to discover how to post ONCE a day and grow your online audience?
59.) This one trick is the key to (insert topic here). Want to learn more?
60.) What if I told you you can (______) without (______)
61.) Who wants my complete (Social Media content kit)?
62.) Do you want to create (engaging stories) for your (business to better market it)?
63.) Do you know why you should (invest in storytelling)?

Facebook post ideas for business

How To Use These Facebook Post Ideas:

These Facebook posts will help you increase your engagement and get more followers. You can copy and paste the content ideas, or you can change them up. It’s totally up to you.

Make sure your audience can relate to your content because they will engage with it more. For example, if you can’t use all the Facebook posts above because they are created for another niche, you can easily change the keywords inside.

And if you want more content ideas, then don’t forget to grab your copy of FREE 100 Social Media Post Ideas here.

Get These 7+ Years of Content Ideas To Help You Save Time And Engage Your Audience


7+ years of social media content ideas

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