Social media is a powerful tool for small business owners, allowing you to connect with potential customers and promote yourself. But it’s also a competitive space, with many businesses fighting for attention.

The best way to make sure your brand stands out from the crowd on social media is by creating content that attracts your ideal audience and inspires them to take action. If you don’t know how to achieve that, then keep reading.

In this post, you’ll learn the best tips for creating outstanding social media posts that will make your competitors jealous.

How To Create Social Media Posts That Are So Good They'll Make Your Competitors Jealous

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain my blog and business so that I can deliver more value and knowledge to you.

What qualities will make your post effective?

Your social media posts are your chance to show off your brand’s personality and voice. They can be the difference between a customer deciding to buy your product or moving on, so they must be engaging and memorable. But how do you ensure your posts have the qualities that will make them effective?

Here are 3 qualities that can help you create social media posts that make your competitors jealous:

  1. Credible – Your customers need to trust you, and credible content helps build that trust. If your customers don’t believe what you’re saying, they won’t follow through on buying from you or even engaging with your brand on social media.
  2. Relevant – If you’re not posting relevant content, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to attract your ideal audience. You’ll have to start posting interesting and essential things to your customers.
  3. Engaging – Engaging social media posts is crucial to the success of your business. If your posts don’t engage your audience, they will be less likely to respond and interact with your brand.

Learn the secrets to creating your Social Media content FAST while still working full-time. Get my free mini-course here.

The Secret To Creating Social Media Content Fast While Working Full-Time

Have clear content goals

Content goals will help you focus on specific things you’re trying to accomplish with each piece of content.

For instance, if you’re targeting potential customers and trying to get them to sign up for your email list, one of your content goals might be getting them to click on the link in the post and fill out an email signup form.

You can also use content goals to track your social media posts’ performance.

How can you set good content goals?

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of creating new content and posting it on all your social media platforms, but it’s also important to ask yourself: “Is this post going to help me execute my business goals?”

Do you want to:

Before writing, take the time to decide what you want your post to accomplish.

S.M.A.R.T. goals - by big income paradise blog

Know what topics your audience is looking for

To begin, it is essential to know what your audience wants. Do they want tips and tricks? Are they more interested in industry news or company updates?

When creating social media posts, it’s crucial to understand what topics are popular within your industry. You can do this by looking at the most popular posts on your competitor’s accounts and seeing what their audience is talking about.

You can also use websites like Google Trends and BuzzSumo to see what people are searching for and what topics are on the upward trend.

Provide unique value

If you’re looking for a way to differentiate yourself from the competition, it’s time to think outside the box. What tips can you offer that other businesses aren’t?

You’ll attract attention and build authority if you share something that no one in your industry is talking about.

You can also think about adding a new spin to an old topic. Share your personal experience and knowledge – add value to your followers by showing them how to do something differently – or better than before.

Here are all the benefits of providing unique value:

  • You’ll increase brand awareness,
  • attract new followers and customers,
  • build your authority,
  • and create strong relationships.

Create posts that tell stories

business storytelling

To make the most of your social media posts, you must focus on telling relevant stories to your audience and connecting with your brand.

When using storytelling, you want to create a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. The story should be compelling enough that it keeps readers engaged from start to finish.

You also want to ensure you have a clear point of view and purpose behind each post so people understand why they should care about what you’re saying.

To learn more about business storytelling, read my blog post here: Complete Guide To Business Storytelling Without Pulling Your Hair Out.

Make strong and engaging headlines

You’ve probably heard about the importance of making great headlines that capture readers’ attention and make them want to read more.

But sometimes, it’s hard to figure out exactly what makes a good headline stand out from the crowd.

That’s why I’m sharing these PRO tips to help you create more engaging headlines:

  • Use short, sweet headlines that are catchy and specific,
  • Keep your headlines clear and relevant to what the post is about,
  • Make sure the headline will make people stop and read your post,
  • Add red, green, or orange emoji (these colors can catch the attention of your readers),
  • Use odd numbers (3,5,7…) because they’re more appealing to people,
  • Use powerful and persuasive words because they make your headlines more interesting and exciting (keep reading to learn more about these words)

Use powerful and persuasive words

You’re probably thinking, “Why do I have to use powerful, persuasive words in my social media posts?”

Well, I’m glad you asked! It’s simple: because they work.

Using powerful and persuasive words makes your posts more interesting and exciting. People will stop and read what you have to say, which means they’ll learn about your business, products, or services.

I’ve put together a list of powerful words that will make your social media posts stand out:

BreathtakingNo hassleSecond-rate

Use outstanding visuals

Images are essential on social media, and you shouldn’t underestimate their power. While a graphic may not be the main focus of your post, it will definitely help attract your target audience.

You can use visuals to highlight something important, evoke an emotion in your followers, or use them to make your post more interesting, educational, and fun.

If you’re not a graphic designer, don’t worry. Plenty of free tools let you create outstanding visuals for your social media posts. For example, Canva offers templates for every type of content you might want to share.

Want to grow your Social Media channels faster? Get 100 Viral Content Templates Here (Customizable in Canva)


Use targeted keywords in your content

You might be wondering why you should include specific keywords in your posts. I’ll explain more below, so keep reading.

As social media sites get more intelligent and tailor their algorithms based on user search patterns, content that contains specific words or phrases will likely pop up in front of the people who usually search and check out those kinds of posts.

Including your industry keywords in your content can increase the chance of showing up in front of your ideal audience.

Utilize emojis to make your social media posts stand out

Emojis have become a standard part of our online communication, so it’s hard to imagine a world without them. But can they actually make your social media posts stand out?

The answer is yes! Emojis are so much more than just cute little pictures: they can help you connect with people and get them excited about what you have to say.

They will also add color to your content and make it more fun to read. I’ve tested different colors of emojis and found that red 🚨, green ✅, and orange 💥 attract more people.

Use a strong and clear call to action

A call to action is basically a way of telling people what you want them to do next. The important thing is that it’s clear and concise – you don’t want to leave your audience guessing.

So how do you create a strong and clear call to action? Here are some tips:

  • Make sure it’s clear what you want people to do next,
  • Don’t use phrases such as “like my post if you agree” on Facebook because it will decrease the reach of your post,
  • Be creative with your CTA – for example, you can use a “help me choose” question to engage your audience and get them involved in the decision-making process,
  • Don’t use multiple CTA’s because it will overwhelm people, and they won’t take action.
Call To Action

Create over 1 month of content in less than 2 hours

Ever wished creating content was as easy as 1, 2, 3? Well, it can be! The Content Creation Express is here to turn that wish into reality!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 500+ Caption Templates: These are fill-in-the-blank posts, so you won’t have to write from scratch.
  • AI Prompts: These prompts will help you create content with templates in seconds! Plus, you won’t have to learn prompt engineering because I did the work for you.
  • ChatGPT (Free AI tool) Tutorial: Don’t know how to use the AI tools? No worries, I’ll walk you through the whole simple process.
  • Content Planning Video: Organize like a PRO, and say goodbye to content chaos.
  • Extra Goodies: I’m throwing in a pack of goodies including a Social Media Planner, 30 Canva Graphic Templates, and a ton more fancy extras!

So, what’s in it for you?

  • Save Time: Get more done in less time – freeing up space to focus on what you love.
  • Less Stress: No more late-night worry sessions about what to post next.
  • Grow Your Audience: With better, more consistent content, your crowd of followers will naturally grow.
  • Peace of Mind: Content creation should be fun, not frazzling. And with ‘Content Creation Express’, it can be!

Are you ready to make content creation as easy as a walk in the park? Then get your Content Creation Express Here.

Content Creation Express

What types of posts get the most engagement?

Polls, memes, and questions usually get the most engagement because they are fun for your audience. So if you want to boost the interactions, you should use these posts more often.

You can also try posting unique content that hasn’t been shared before or hop on an early trend.

If you want to make sure that your posts get the most visibility, then you should post at times when your audience is more likely to be on social media. You can easily find that out by checking your analytics.

The #1 content creation tool for your business

Content creation is challenging. It’s even harder when you’re trying to create content for your business in a way that will get people excited about your brand and make them want to buy from you.

If you’re like most busy business owners, you probably know what you want to say in your content, but you don’t know how to say it. That’s where comes in.

It’s the most powerful and user-friendly tool you can use to create content that gets people talking, engaging, and buying from your brand.

This #1 content creation tool is for business owners looking to get their message out there. And the best part – you can use it for free! Click here and test it out now.

And if you want to see it in action, watch my video below:

Test out for free!

Frequently asked questions about social media posts:

What are the most common posts on social media?

There are certain types of social media posts that people love to see – here are the top 3 content types:
– Story posts
– Value posts
– Funny posts

But to help you grow your business faster, you should be using these 7 types of social media posts.

What should a social media post include?

Your social media posts should include:
– Title
– Value, story, or something your audience can relate to
– A call to action
– Emojis
– An image or video

Learn about the Keys to Success with Social Media Content Marketing here.


Now that you’ve learned how to create magnificent social media posts, it’s time to get started!

If you want more help with your content creation, I recommend trying the tool. It will make the process much faster and easier by using artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create content that gets people sharing, engaging with your brand, and talking about it.

Before you go, please share this article with a person who needs help with their content creation. They will thank you for it!

Creating content can make or break your business’s Social Media presence. To learn all the strategies and tips that will help you create posts that outshine your competitors, get my Social Media Content 101 course here.

Social Media Content 101