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Is it too time-consuming and tough to come up with new post ideas?

As an entrepreneur, you often feel like there is not enough time in a week to do all the content marketing you want.

I mean, WOW, that’s so much work!

But May is almost here, which means you need to stay ahead of the game.

That’s why I’ve decided to share over 100+ May Social Media ideas and a free content calendar to keep you organized and save you a bunch of time.

Go through this whole article, and don’t forget to save it for later. You’re going to need it throughout the month to make your content creation easier.

Now let’s begin.

100+ Killer May Social Media Ideas + Free Content Calendar

Elements of Great Social Media Content

There is no doubt that content is the king of Social Media. Creating engaging, shareable posts that authentically represent your brand is what you should strive for. 

To help you create sticky content, I have compiled a list of good Social Media content elements.

These features will help you attract more followers and build engagement:

  • Make it visual
  • Be informative
  • Use humor 
  • Interactive
  • Be consistent
  • Be real
  • Use storytelling

We will look deeper into some of these elements, so keep reading.

What makes good Social Media content

Create visual content

When posting on various platforms, one of the most important things to remember is to make sure that your images are fascinating. Using plain text to market a product or service will not get you very far.

If you want to grab people’s attention, you’ll have to create well-designed, viral graphics

And you won’t even have to pay an expensive graphic designer. All you need is this tool:

  •  Canva – It allows users to make visuals for free! Go to, pick a size and a layout you love, and then get to work! This tool has many templates to choose from, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time. 

Create informative content

Creating informative posts is extremely important to attract followers and present yourself as an expert.

People are constantly looking for valuable information that will give the desired results.

This kind of content is vital because it can help you create a trustworthy and relatable brand. This type will not only engage your target audience but will also help you build a brand that stands out from the competition.

IMPORTANT: Your goal is to provide valuable and interesting information that others want to read, remember and share.

Create informative content

Using humor

A good sense of humor is an invaluable asset to any brand, especially in today’s fast-paced digital world. 

This “human factor” makes your brand more relatable and easy to engage with. Funny posts will naturally lead to more likes, comments, and shares.

However, many entrepreneurs think that using humor in their posts is risky. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not.

Humor is a great tool that can help you grow your business and connect with your audience on a deeper level. If done right, it will also increase engagement and make your posts viral.

IMPORTANT: It’s tempting to be funny, but you should really avoid using any offensive or dirty jokes because they may offend some of your followers. 

Make your posts interactive

All platforms are meant to be social. If you’re not engaging with your followers, then you’re missing out. 

There are several ways to make your Social Media content more interactive:

  • Ask different questions to get feedback,
  • Create polls and survey your audience,
  • Reply to comments – It’s a great way to start a discussion because it encourages people to leave more comments.

Trying out different approaches is a great way to see what works best for you and how you can improve your Social Media marketing in the future.

IMPORTANT: Never ask for likes and comments, at least not in a direct way (e.g., “Like and comment if you agree.”) Encourage your followers to engage by saying, “What’s your opinion on this?”

Post consistently

Posting consistently is essential because it keeps your audience engaged, and they will grow familiar with your content. 

If you fail to post daily, your audience may lose interest or completely forget about you.

Consider using a Social Media content calendar to remind yourself what you’ll talk about each day and keep yourself accountable.

A Social Media content calendar will keep you accountable

Be real

People will see that you are just like them – a person who’s taking action and getting good results but also making mistakes, having bad days, and having flaws.

Showing your human side will help you gain more fans and attract more people to your business.

Being authentic, honest, and imperfect – that’s what your Social Media content should demonstrate. You want to share who you really are so people can see themselves in you and recognize their own struggles as well as their triumphs. 

Your audience is probably going through the same hurdles as you. So you can be a perfect example and inspiration for them.

It’s not about being a super-human and posting only about your wins; it’s about being YOU and sharing the things that people could associate with.

Use storytelling

One of the best ways to boost engagement on Social Media is through storytelling. Stories generate interest, connect with customers, and build a sense of trust, leading to more purchases and brand loyalty.

Someone reading your story will be more likely to buy from you than simply reading a sales pitch. It also allows you to explain your product or service in a way that makes sense to your buyer.

It also enables you to educate them on why they should buy something from you instead of someone else.

Storytelling formula - by Big Income Paradise

The key to using storytelling effectively is learning how to tell an engaging story that adds value to your audience. That’s where these tips come in handy.

  • Make a plan: Before telling your story, you should always plan ahead. It must have a beginning, middle, and end. It also has to be compelling enough to keep people listening/reading and participating.
  • Talk about only one event: You shouldn’t share your whole life story! That would take too long, and it would be an information overload. Instead, choose one event that you can effectively explain. Don’t get carried away with minor details.
  • Be transparent: Recognize that not everything in your world is perfect, and that’s okay! We all have weaknesses, and revealing them allows people to connect with you on a more profound level.
  • It must be relevant to your product: Make sure your story strongly links to your products or services if you want to sell more of them.

Planning out your Social Media content calendar

A content calendar is an essential tool for every business. With it, it’s easy to keep your Social Media active with fresh content while also saving time.

Trying to keep up with everything on your own can quickly become overwhelming. Creating a high-quality post that will generate traffic and engagement is easier when you have your content planned out.

I created a video where I teach you how to plan 1 month of Social Media content in 60 minutes. You can watch it here:

May Social Media ideas and holidays for 2024

1.) May Day (1. May): Let’s come together and celebrate our life and the beautiful season we are in.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Express gratitude for your life and everyone in it.
  • Share a spring quote and talk about why you love it so much.
  • Ask your followers why they love the spring season.

Hashtag suggestion: #mayday

2.) National Brothers and Sisters Day (2. May): We should definitely celebrate our siblings! What would we do without them, right? Even if they annoy us sometimes, they are our unique treasure that enriches our lives.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share why you love your siblings so much.
  • Talk about a specific memory you have with them.
  • Share a funny story you have with your siblings.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalbrothersandsistersday, #brothersandsistersday

3.) National Chocolate Custard Day (3. May): It’s time to create this yummy dessert and enjoy it! And don’t forget to share a photo on Social Media.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share an image of the dessert and write a recipe.
  • Ask your audience which is their favorite dessert.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalchocolatecustardday, #chocolatecustard

National Chocolate Custard Day - May Social Media Ideas

4.) National Renewal Day (4. May): It’s a perfect day to have a new start. You can change your home decor or a marketing strategy. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about what you’re going to start doing (something new).
  • Ask your followers what new beginning they are having.
  • Share some tips on how to change your life.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalrenewalday, #renewalday

Star Wars Day (4. May): If you’re a Star Wars fan, today is your day! Celebrate it!

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about why you love Star Wars.
  • Ask your audience if they love Star Wars.
  • Have a collection of Star Wars action figures? Share a photo.

Hashtag suggestion: #starwarsday

5.) Cinco De Mayo (5. May): Today is party day! It’s time to have a fun fiesta.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share how you’re having fun today.
  • Talk about why it’s good to take some time off and enjoy a party.
  • Ask your audience how they are going to celebrate.

Hashtag suggestion: #cincodemayoparty

Cinco De Mayo post ideas

National Astronaut Day (5. May): Our technology has come a long way! And we should celebrate that. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your desire to go into space.
  • Ask your followers if they would like to go to the moon.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalastronautday, #astronautday

6.) National Nurses Day (6. May): Nurses are like angels on our planet. They work hard and help save many lives, so they really deserve to be celebrated.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Express gratitude for nurses all around the world.
  • Share an emotional story of how a nurse helped you or someone you know.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalnursesday

International No Diet Day (6. May): If you have been on a diet for months now, it’s time to take a break. On this day, eat whatever you want, and you’ll go back on a diet tomorrow.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share the benefits of giving ourselves permission (sometimes) to eat whatever we want.
  • Ask your audience what cheat meal they’ll have today.
  • Talk about your favorite cheat meal.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalnodietday

International No Diet Day - social media post idea

7.) National Cosmopolitan Day (7. May): Let’s celebrate this popular cocktail by – well, having the cocktail.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a photo of your homemade Cosmopolitan recipe and challenge your followers to try making it themselves.
  • Post a throwback photo of yourself and your friends enjoying Cosmopolitans at a party or night out.
  • Share interesting facts about the history and ingredients of the cosmopolitan cocktail, and encourage your followers to share their own knowledge and experiences with the drink.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalcosmopolitanday

8.) National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day (8. May): Take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our pets during a natural disaster.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share tips and resources for creating an emergency preparedness kit specifically for pets, and encourage your followers to share their own tips and experiences.
  • Post a photo or video of you and your pet practicing an evacuation drill or other disaster preparedness activity, and encourage your followers to do the same.
  • Share stories of animals that have been rescued or helped during natural disasters, and encourage your followers to support organizations that assist with animal disaster relief efforts.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalanimaldisasterpreparednessday

9.) National Butterscotch Brownie Day (9. May): Another fantastic day for a tasty dessert. Today, we’re celebrating butterscotch brownies.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a recipe (if you’re in the health and fitness industry, try to share a healthy butterscotch brownie recipe.)
  • Ask your audience if they love this dessert.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalbutterscotchbrownieday

National Lost Sock Memorial Day (9. May): This is a funny observance; however, we all lost many socks, if we’re honest. So why not have a special day for that, right?

National Lost Sock Memorial Day - May Social Media Ideas

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Be funny and share how you miss your favorite sock.
  • Share a funny sock meme.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationallostsockmemorialday

10.) National Clean Your Room Day (10. May): Maybe you’re not in the mood, but just remember that good feeling when you enter a room and it’s neat and clean. Best feeling ever, am I right?

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about why it’s essential to live in a clean house.
  • Share a before and after image of your room.
  • Talk about how you organize things in your room.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalcleanyourroomday

11.) National Eat What You Want Day (11. May): Don’t restrict yourself too much – eat your favorite food! 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about what your favorite food is and why.
  • Ask your audience what they love to eat.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationaleatwhatyouwantday

12.) International Nurses Day (12. May): The whole world is celebrating our superheroes – nurses! 

Social Media ideas for International Nurses Day

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about why you’re grateful for nurses all around the world.
  • Tell your audience to share one (or more) positive moments when a nurse helped them.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalnursesday

National Nutty Fudge Day (12. May): Who doesn’t love fudge, right? It’s time to celebrate it by sharing a yummy recipe.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a nutty fudge recipe.
  • Ask your audience if they love nutty fudge or prefer something else.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalnuttyfudgeday

Mother’s Day (12. May – different day each year): Our moms are special. They are always there for us, so they deserve a huge celebration. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share an inspirational quote and talk about why you love your mom.
  • Express gratitude for your mom and moms around the world.
  • Tell your audience to share special memories they have with their moms.

Check out these 43 Mother’s Day post ideas you can use on Social Media.

Hashtag suggestion: #mothersdayspecial

Mother’s Day

13.) Apple Pie Day (13. May): Desserts, desserts, desserts! Well, we should eat them once in a while. And today you can have an apple pie.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a healthy apple pie recipe.
  • Ask your audience to share an apple pie recipe with you.

Hashtag suggestion: #applepieday

14.) Bond With Your Dog Day (14. May): Take some time to engage in fun and meaningful activities with your furry friend to strengthen your bond.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a photo or video of you and your dog enjoying a special activity together, such as a walk, hike, or game of fetch.
  • Post a list of your favorite things to do with your dog, and encourage your followers to share their own ideas and experiences.
  • Share a heartwarming story about how your dog has brought joy and companionship into your life, and encourage your followers to share their own stories of the special bond they share with their pets.

Hashtag suggestion: #bondwithyourdog

15.) International Day of Families (15. May): I’m sure your family is important to you, so share the love.

International Day of Families

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Explain why your family means so much to you.
  • Talk about how we can support our family members.
  • Ask your audience how they love to spend time with family.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationaldayoffamilies

16.) National Mimosa Day (16. May): Love drinking mimosas? Then mark your calendar on this day.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a mimosa drink recipe.
  • Ask your audience if they love drinking mimosas.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalmimosaday

National Piercing Day (16. May): Piercings are fantastic! I used to have 3, but now I only have 1 left. And many people think piercings are not professional – but we are here to prove them wrong!

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Ask your audience how many piercings they have.
  • Talk about piercings in the business world and why people shouldn’t focus on the looks but on the value they get from entrepreneurs.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpiercingday

17.) National Work from Home Day (17. May): As a small business owner, you probably work there all the time. So why not share what that looks like?

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Show a behind-the-scenes video/photo of your office.
  • Talk about what you do in a day.
  • Ask your audience how many of them work from home.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalworkfromhomeday

National Work from Home Day

World Baking Day (17. May): Love to bake? Today is your day – show your baking skills.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Bake your favorite food and share a photo on Social Media.
  • Share your favorite recipe.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldbakingday

18.) National HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (18. May): Today, you should spread awareness about HIV.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about HIV, how it affects people, and how we can help them.
  • Share some articles about HIV.

Hashtag suggestion: #hivawareness

International Museum Day (18. May): Do you love visiting museums? In times like these, it’s a bit harder, but there is a different way. You can go there virtually. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a story about why you love going to museums.
  • Share a link to your favorite virtual museum.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalmuseumday

19.) National Devil’s Food Cake Day (19. May): Another day, another dessert. And this one is very yummy! 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a recipe & a photo of a devil’s food cake.
  • Talk about why we should treat ourselves once in a while.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationaldevilsfoodcakeday, #devilsfoodcake

20.) National Be a Millionaire Day (20. May): When you dream, dream big! You should be thinking and maybe even experiencing how it is to be a millionaire.

Social Media post ideas for National Be a Millionaire Day

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share your dreams about being a millionaire.
  • Talk about how you will help when you become a millionaire.
  • Ask your audience if their goals are to become a millionaire.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalbeamillionaireday, #beamillionaire

National Rescue Dog Day (20. May): Having a dog is a blessing! So why not get one from a shelter? They will love you unconditionally.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about why it’s best to get a dog from the shelter.
  • Share a story about when you got your dog.
  • Ask your followers if they have a rescue dog.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalrescuedogday

21.) National Memo Day (21. May): If you’re a pen & paper person, then you’ll love this day. Celebrate it by writing something unique.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Write an inspirational quote on a sticky note, then take a photo of it and share it on Social Media.
  • Ask your audience what positive message they would write on a sticky note.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalmemoday, #memoday

International Tea Day (21. May): It’s a fantastic day for all tea lovers. So pour yourself a cup of your favorite flavor and enjoy.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Make a post about why drinking tea is healthy.
  • Share your favorite tea flavor and ask your followers which is their favorite.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalteaday

International Tea Day

22.) National Vanilla Pudding Day (22. May): If you’re a fan, then make yourself some vanilla pudding today.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a yummy vanilla pudding recipe.
  • Ask your audience if they love vanilla or chocolate flavor.

Hashtag suggestion: #vanillapudding

23.) National Lucky Penny Day (23. May): Here’s a fun way to celebrate this day; go out and search for lucky pennies. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a story of how you found a lucky penny.
  • Talk about why it’s good to search for pennies.
  • Ask your followers if they will search for lucky pennies.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalluckypennyday, #luckypenny

World Turtle Day (23. May): Turtles are amazing animals that deserve celebration. Today, you should talk about them.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Explain how we can help turtles.
  • Make an infographic about how we can clean the environment and save turtles.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldturtleday

World Turtle Day post idea

24.) National Brother’s Day (24. May):  Today is all about your brother; celebrate him!

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share an emotional moment you had with your brother.
  • Talk about a fun adventure you two had.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalbrothersday

25.) National Wine Day (25. May): If you’re a wine lover, then pour yourself a glass and celebrate this day. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your relaxing routine that involves wine.
  • Share the benefits of drinking a glass of wine.
  • Show how you’re relaxing.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalwineday

National Missing Children’s Day (25. May): Help out by sharing a post about a missing child.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about how to keep kids safe.
  • Share a post about a missing kid.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalmissingchildrensday

26.) National Blueberry Cheesecake Day (26. May): Who doesn’t love a blueberry cheesecake, right? Buy it or make it, but make sure you eat it.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a blueberry cheesecake recipe.
  • Take a selfie with your blueberry cheesecake and share it on Social Media.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalblueberrycheesecakeday, #blueberrycheesecake

National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

27.) Nothing to Fear Day (27. May): You shouldn’t fear anything today. Go after your wildest dreams and believe everything will turn out great.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your fears and how you overcame them.
  • Share an infographic about fear.

Hashtag suggestion: #nothingtofearday, #nothingtofear

Memorial Day (27. May – different day each year): Remember the heroes who died fighting for their country. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about how grateful you are for those people who fought.
  • Encourage your followers to express gratitude for those heroes.

Hashtag suggestion: #memorialday🇺🇸

28.) National Hamburger Day (28. May): It’s cheat meal time! Get yourself a hamburger and enjoy your day.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a yummy hamburger recipe.
  • Take a selfie with a hamburger and talk about how you’re planning to relax today.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalhamburgerday

29.) National Paperclip Day (29. May):  Paperclips are essential for business owners who create a ton of notes. So it’s a good day to celebrate this small but powerful tool.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share your beautiful stash of paper clips.
  • Make a funny post about paper clips.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpaperclipday, #paperclips

National Paperclip Day

30.) National Creativity Day (30. May): Celebrate the creativity of others and yours too! Just look at how far we got.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about a very creative person.
  • Inspire your audience to be creative.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalcreativityday

31.) National Smile Day (31. May): The world is a better place when we smile – would you agree? So let’s do more of that.

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a selfie of you smiling and talk about why you’re happy.
  • Tell your followers to share their selfies (smiles mandatory.)

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalsmileday

National Smile Day

World No Tobacco Day (31. May): Spread the word about how unhealthy tobacco is. 

May Social Media content ideas:

  • Make an infographic about the side effects of tobacco.
  • Talk about how to live a healthy life without smoking.
  • Share some tips about how to stop smoking.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldnotobaccoday

Don’t forget to check out my complete list of Social Media Holidays.

May marketing ideas

If you have a small business and need to generate more revenue, these marketing ideas will help you do just that.

Trying new strategies is what keeps businesses successful. When you find a method that works for your business, chances are it will continue to work for quite some time.

But it’s not just about finding one that works. It’s about being willing to try new things from time to time and being open to change as your business evolves.

So if you want to keep your business profitable and thriving, then be willing to test the following marketing ideas. After all, it’s the only way you’ll know if they’ll work or not.

May marketing ideas - By Big Income Paradise
  • Podcast: To get more exposure, consider talking on podcasts. You can join, where you can get matched with someone who’s looking for an expert in a specific industry. 
  • Offer free samples: If you’re selling products or services, offering free samples is a great way to get your product in front of potential customers while also giving them something they’ll appreciate having (and remember when they’re ready to buy).
  • Flash sale: Have a one-day sale of your best product or service. It will create urgency, and that can boost your income.
  • Email marketing: Haven’t started with it yet? Well, it’s time to make your life easier. Get MailerLite and start building your list. You can connect with your subscribers and sell more of your products.
  • Offer a special bonus: Sometimes, this is all you need. Give people a unique bonus and create some urgency around it. Tell them you’re giving this gift to only the first 5 people.
  • Content marketing: Does content creation feel complicated? That’s probably because you don’t have a plan and strategies. There are specific methods you should be using. If you’re ready to level up, grab my Social Media Content 101 course, which will teach you how to create content that stands out!
  • Video marketing: You might want to consider video as one of your marketing tools. If you’re selling an educational product, a video can be very valuable in helping prospective customers understand what they’re getting into. It’s also easy to use on Social Media platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

May Social Media Content Calendar

May Social Media Content Calendar by Big Income Paradise

We all have the same problem. We know we should be posting on Social Media, but we don’t always have the time and energy to come up with content ideas.

So, you want to do more, but you don’t know what to post. Various content types can go into your calendar, and it takes careful planning to make it more efficient.

This May Social Media Content Calendar will help you:

  • stay consistent (you will have daily content ideas),
  • save time (you don’t need to plan it all out),
  • and boost engagement.

Suggestion: You can print out this content calendar & challenge, then mark the days you’ll promote your products or services. This is helpful because you’ll create sales content ahead of time.

How to use the May Social Media ideas and content calendar

Social platforms offer a great way to grow your business. They can be used to connect with your customers, market your products and services, and share relevant and timely content.

So if you want to stand out, go through the ideas in this blog post and think outside the box. What can you celebrate with your audience that will show your human side? 

Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of these Social Media ideas and a content calendar:

  • Use the content calendar daily – check out what topic you can talk about.
  • Take note of all the content types that get the most engagement. Then create more of those types in the future.
  • If you want to increase Social Media engagement, make sure you comment on other people’s posts first.
  • Share unique stories that connect with the holiday or observance you’re celebrating.

Over 7+ Years of Social Media content ideas

7+ years of social media content ideas

You can create your own content calendar, but this might take a lot of your time. If you’re too busy, then the solution below is for you!

You can get my 7+ Years Of Social Media Content Ideas to help you post daily and sell your products with ease!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 3 Content Calendars,
  • 1600+ Content Ideas,
  • 796 Graphic Templates,
  • How to Create High Converting Content (a video training),
  • 90-Day Social Media Challenge,
  • Storytelling Strategies,
  • Content Templates, headlines, hashtags,
  • 150+ Powerful Caption/Reel Hooks,
  • 35 Ideas Where To Promote Your Business,
  • List Of Holidays,
  • Plus BONUSES!

This is a time-saving solution, and it will help you immensely with the organization, so get your copy now.

Top Social Media content tools for business owners

Are you looking for ways to save time and effort while increasing the value of your Social Media content? Check out these tools that make content creation simple:

  • Canva: This graphic design tool helps simplify your business efforts. We need to create attractive graphics to capture our potential customer’s attention. Canva is a free program to use, but you can upgrade to the Pro plan if you want additional images, fonts, videos, and other unique features.
  • Visme: This tool and Canva are very similar. They offer a large selection of elements, photos, and illustrations – there’s something for everyone. I’m particularly fond of the infographics that Visme allows you to create.
  • If you’re a content creator, you’ve probably experienced writer’s block. You’ve undoubtedly felt frustrated by being stuck in the middle of a project and unable to finish it. is ready to help you out! You’ll be able to write better and quicker! All your content will be prepared in a matter of seconds!
Try out for FREE
  • Social Media Content Calendar: You’ve got a whole year’s worth of content waiting for you here. Yes, this package includes everything you need for content creation! It’ll take the edge off your social media anxiety! There are 3 content calendars, 1600+ extra post ideas, 796 graphic templates, and more!

You might also want to read about these 25 Social Media content tools.


These May Social Media ideas are perfect for helping you get started and make the most of your marketing efforts. 

I hope this list helps you think of fun, unique ways to share your personality with the rest of the world. So get going!

Pick and choose the ones you love, and use them to create killer Social Media content. I can’t wait to see how your business grows in the coming months.

Don’t forget to grab the May Social Media Challenge & Content Calendar to save your time.

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May Social Media ideas infographic

May Social Media ideas

Sharing is caring 👇