If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to come up with March Social Media ideas, you came to the right place.
After you read this whole article and get my free content calendar for March, you’ll be able to:
- free up your time,
- lower your stress,
- Plus, boost your engagement & profits!
This blog post is created for busy small business owners – like you – who have a million things to do.
Social Media can be a great way to market your business and get new leads, but only if you have a killer Social Media Marketing plan and the time to prepare your content.
By the end of this article, you’ll have 100+ interesting ideas for your Social Media platforms that’ll help boost your engagement and marketing efforts throughout March.
Are you ready? Let’s begin.

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.
Expert advice for creating killer Social Media content
The content you create for your Social Media platforms sets the tone for the conversations that will take place between you and your followers.
As a small business owner, it’s up to you to create posts that are:
- engaging,
- relevant,
- and consistent for your brand.

With millions of competing messages in today’s noisy world, you must separate your brand from the pack.
Below are some PRO Social Media content tips to help you attract your ideal audience.
Know your ideal audience
With millions of competing messages in today’s noisy world, you must separate your brand from the pack.
With the right combination of Social Media content, you can do just that. But creating excellent posts isn’t easy.
It takes time, energy, and a solid understanding of your target audience and what they want to hear about.
It’s all about interacting with your followers, and the best way to do that is by posting content that they’ll find interesting. Trying to capture the attention of everyone is a recipe for failure.

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not knowing their ideal customers well enough.
Without this, your content lacks relevancy and will be ignored. No matter how much time and effort you put into creating great content, it’s a waste of time if it doesn’t reach the right people.
That’s why knowing who you’re talking to is so important.
Start using a storytelling formula
If you’re not using storytelling in your Social Media marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience.
Telling stories is the best way to connect with people and engage them in a meaningful way. But what makes a good story? What makes a bad one?
I’ve worked with dozens of entrepreneurs to help them use stories to build awareness and get more interaction. It’s the one thing that separates successful businesses from those that fail.
So how can you use stories to get more engagement on Social Media? Here is an 8-step formula:
- Explain why you wanted to make a change in your life.
- How did you get started despite your fears?
- How did you decide to pursue your new goal?
- How did you overcome challenges?
- Describe the most difficult challenge you’ve faced.
- Describe the revelation you had.
- How did you achieve your goal?
- Share how the journey changed your life.

And don’t forget to follow the four-step framework:
- The Hook – You introduce your audience’s challenges (you probably had the same problems).
- The Challenge – describe how you responded to this challenge. Be sure to explain how you felt – details matter!
- The Action – This is where you take action to solve the problem.
- Call To Action – Tell them exactly what to do next (contact you, buy your product, respond in comments, etc.)
Create a content calendar for your business
Content creation is a great way to make new connections, but it can also be a huge time-sink.
You already have a lot on your plate, and you need to stay organized. Having a Social Media content calendar will help you avoid wasting time.
It will also help you stay on track with what to post every day. So tailor it to the types of posts you plan to share.
Creating a content calendar can be simple. But you have to follow these steps.
Make visuals that stand out

Creating incredible visuals for your Social Media posts is key to attracting as many people as possible.
If you post excellent graphics, people will stick around and see what content you offer, which will lead to more engagement and a larger audience!
With the right visuals, you can stand out. But the wrong ones can make people unfollow you.
Here are some things to think about when deciding on your next Social Media graphic:
- Make sure the image is clear and relevant. Remember that most people won’t take the time to read everything in your post, so make sure the graphics are clear enough for them to understand.
- Make sure it has relevance to your brand and content, and call out any special offers or promotions if appropriate.
- Depending on your brand personality, you may choose an image that fits your tone.
- Use high-quality images (you get a ton of them inside Canva)
- You can also use infographics to get more likes and shares. They are great for presenting information in a fun way.
Want to save a ton of your time while creating impressive visuals? Here’s a shortcut that will help you create viral graphics.

How to create engaging Social Media content
If you’re not engaging with your followers, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your business.
The best way to create engaging Social Media content is through a strategy. Here are some expert tips to help you get more engagement:
- Know what you’re trying to achieve: Before you begin, determine the purpose of your content and identify its goals. For example, do you want more sales? Do you hope to reach a new audience? Or perhaps you are trying to create awareness about your brand or products. Once you set clear goals, it will be easier to decide what content to share on Social Media.
- Create content that speaks directly to your audience: The purpose of any marketing effort is to eventually sell more products or services, so keep this in mind when creating Social Media content.
- Brainstorm content topics – The best way to do this is by writing down as many ideas related to your business as possible. You can use these 18 places to find excellent Social Media content.
- You should be asking different questions to boost your engagement.
- Start making infographics to make your visuals more fun.
- You can host a giveaway to attract more people to your business.
- Ask poll questions to increase engagement.
- Post different types of content.

Make sure your posts are suitable for your business and aren’t too spammy! People are more likely to engage with the content they can relate to.
Need more help with making your posts? Learn how to write creative Social Media content without struggle.
March Social Media ideas and holidays for 2025
1.) Share a Smile Day (1. March): The world is more beautiful when we smile. So spread joyful energy everywhere.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a funny joke or meme
- Take a selfie (don’t forget to smile)
Hashtag suggestion: #shareasmile, #sharesmiles
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day (1. March): Peanut butter is very yummy! So, of course, it deserves a special celebration.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a healthy recipe with peanut butter
- Talk about the health benefits of peanut butter
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpeanutbutterloversday, #peanutbutterlovers

World Compliment Day (1. March): We should be sharing compliments every day! But especially on the 1st of March.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Compliment your audience and express gratitude
- Talk about an expert in your niche and compliment them
Hashtag suggestion: #worldcomplimentday, #complimentday
2.) Dr. Seuss’s Birthday (2. March): It’s Dr. Suess’s birthday! It’s time to share some of his quotes.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a Dr. Suess quote
Hashtag suggestion: #drseussquotes
National Old Stuff Day (2. March): Have you planned to declutter? It’s a great day to do that.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Sell some of your old stuff (make sure it’s still good quality)
- Talk about an item you found while decluttering
Hashtag suggestion: #nationaloldstuffday, #oldstuffday
3.) World Wildlife Day (3. March): It’s time to step up and spread awareness of endangered species.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a cute meme of an animal that faces a high risk of extinction and talk about what we can do to save them.
- Make a list of endangered species and spread awareness.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldwildlifeday, #wildlifeday
National If Pets Had Thumbs Day (3. March): use your imagination – how would our world look if our pets had thumbs?
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about what our pets would be doing if they had thumbs.
- Share a funny “if pets had thumbs” meme.
Hashtag suggestion: #funnypet, #petmemes
4.) World Obesity Day (4. March): you should spread awareness about obesity. What can we do about it? How can we avoid it?
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about the consequences of obesity.
- Make an infographic about obesity.
- Inspire people to eat healthy food.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldobesityday, #fightingobesity

5.) Multiple Personality Day (5. March): This disorder is real, and we should pay more attention to it.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about this disorder
- Share some tips on how to help people with multiple personality disorders.
Hashtag suggestion: #multiplepersonality,#multiplepersonalities
Stop Bad Service Day (5. March – different date each year): as an entrepreneur, you should be striving to give and receive good service. So it’s time to talk about how to stop lousy service.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share your experience with bad service you received
- Make an infographic on how to give excellent service.
- Share do’s & don’t of customer service
Hashtag suggestion: #badservice, #goodservice

6.) National Dress Day (6. March): What is National Dress Day? It’s a celebration of your favorite dresses!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share your favorite dress.
- Talk about how you felt when you wore that dress.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationaldressday, #dressday

7.) National Be Heard Day (7. March):
“National Be Heard Day is an occasion for small businesses owners and aspiring owners to make their voices heard.”
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Stand up for yourself and share your fantastic business/product ideas!
- Talk about your business plans.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalbeheardday, #beheard
Plant Power Day (7. March): Love plant-based diet? Why not share that love with others and encourage them to try it?
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about how good you feel.
- Share the health benefits of a plant-based diet.
- Make an interesting infographic about the plant-based diet.
Hashtag suggestion: #plantpowerday, #plantpowerway
National Day of Unplugging (7. March – different date each year): If you’re always on your phone, tablet, or laptop, then it’s time to unplug and enjoy life differently.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Tell your audience you’re taking a day off to enjoy life in nature.
- Encourage your audience to unplug and spend time with their loved ones.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationaldayofunplugging, #unplug

8.) International Women’s Day (8. March): Ladies, it’s our day! We should celebrate our achievements!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about an inspirational women entrepreneur and her achievements.
- Share a powerful women’s day quote.
Hashtag suggestion: #internationalwomensday❤️, #womensdayspecial

9.) National Get Over It Day (9. March): Has something been weighing you down? It’s time to reflect and let it go.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about a challenge holding you down, but you’re ready to release it.
- Share some tips on how to get over a challenge.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgetoveritday, #getoverit
10.) International Day of Awesomeness (10. March): It’s time for you to share your remarkable abilities and talents! We all have them, so don’t be shy.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share your talents & abilities with your audience.
- Ask your followers about their abilities.
Hashtag suggestion: #internationaldayofawesomeness, #dayofawesomeness
National Pack Your Lunch Day (10. March): Pack your lunch today and make sure you choose something healthy too.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Show your audience what did you pack.
- Ask your followers what they would put in their lunch bags.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpackyourlunchday, #packyourlunchday
11.) Dream Day (11. March): What’s your dream? What do you want to achieve? Share that with your audience.

March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about your goals & dreams.
- Ask your followers about their life/business dreams.
Hashtag suggestion: #dreamday, #dreamdays
12.) National Girl Scout Day (12. March): Girl Scouts make the best cookies. And it’s time to celebrate them!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about your favorite Girl Scout cookies.
- If you were a Girl Scout – talk about that experience.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgirlscoutday, #girlscoutday
National Plant a Flower Day (12. March): Planting flowers can make you happier – so do that with your family today.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share what kind of flowers you planted.
- Talk about the benefits of growing flowers.
- Share a “flower” quote.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalplantaflowerday, #plantaflowerday
13.) National Good Samaritan Day (13. March): Today, you should inspire people to spread kindness and help others.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share an infographic on how to help others.
- Talk about how we can change the world if we step together and help each other.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgoodsamaritanday, #goodsamaritan
14.) National Write Your Story Day (14. March): It’s a perfect day to inspire your followers with one of your stories!

March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a story about why you started your business.
- Talk about a struggle and how you overcame it.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalwriteyourstoryday, #writeyourstory
15.) World Consumer Rights Day (15. March): It’s time to talk about consumer rights. We all have the right to get truthful information about products and services.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share why it’s important to give honest information about your products.
- Give your audience some tips on sharing great information about their products.
- Make an infographic about consumer rights.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldconsumerrightsday, #consumerrightsday

16.) Freedom of Information Day (16. March):
“The day ensures the public is aware of all the government’s information and provided with the necessary information.”
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share some interesting and correct information.
Hashtag suggestion: #freedomofinformation
No Selfies Day (16. March): Oh, you wanted to share a selfie? Well, not today.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share anything but a selfie.
- Talk about “No Selfies Day.”
Hashtag suggestion: #noselfiesday, #noselfies
17.) St. Patrick’s Day (17. March): It’s time to celebrate this day even if you’re not Irish.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Host a giveaway.
- Have a special one-day sale.
Hashtag suggestion: #stpatricksday🍀,#saintpatricksday

18.) Global Recycling Day (18. March): We should take care of our environment. So on this day, find ways how to recycle things. And, of course, inspire your audience to do the same.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about how to recycle things.
- Share a quote about recycling.
Hashtag suggestion: #globalrecyclingday, #recyclingday
Awkward Moments Day (18. March): Talk about those embarrassing moments – embrace them.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a funny, awkward moment you had recently.
- Encourage your followers to share their awkward moments with you.
Hashtag suggestion: #awkwardmomentsday, #awkwardmoments
19.) National Let’s Laugh Day (19. March): Did you want to share a funny joke or moment you recently had? Do it today!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a funny GIF or meme.
- Talk about a funny moment.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalletslaughday, #letslaughday

National Chocolate Caramel Day (19. March): Yummy! This day is delicious! Let’s celebrate Chocolate Caramel Day.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a yummy chocolate caramel recipe.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalchocolatecaramelday, #chocolatecaramel
20.) International Day of Happiness (20. March): We should feel joyful most of the time, so today, inspire your audience to be happy.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about the benefits of being happy.
- Share an infographic about happiness.
- Share a quote about happiness.
Hashtag suggestion: #internationaldayofhappiness, #dayofhappiness
National Single Parent Day (20. March): On this day, take some time off if you’re a single parent. You deserve to take a break because you do so much for your children.
If you’re not a single parent, share how you admire those who are.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- If you were raised by a single parent – share your story.
- Talk about why we should admire single parents.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalsingleparentday, #singleparent

World Storytelling Day (20. March): If you ask me, this is a perfect day for us entrepreneurs. Stories are the best sales technique, so make sure you share an inspirational one.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about how you overcome an obstacle in your business.
- Share why you decided to start an online business.
- Tell your audience what mistakes you made and how you fixed them.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldstorytellingday, #storytellingday
21.) National Common Courtesy Day (21. March): It can make a big difference in someone’s life if you say “thank you,” “please,” or express gratitude.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Express gratitude for your community.
Hashtag suggestion: #commoncourtesyday, #commoncourtesy
22.) World Water Day (22. March): Water is essential for all of us. Some of us are lucky to have drinking water at home, but many are not as fortunate.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about how your audience can help people who don’t have clean water.
- Share what we can all do to keep our water clean.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldwaterday, #waterday

National Goof Off Day (22. March): Oh yes, you can goof off all day long! That should be a fun day.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share how you’re goofing off with your family.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgoofoffday, #goofoffday
Earth Hour (22. March – different date each year): Can you survive without electric lights for one hour? I think you can. So turn them off.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Encourage your audience to turn off their lights for one hour (between 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM)
Hashtag suggestion: #earthhour

23.) National Puppy Day (23. March): Pictured of cute little puppies? Yes, please! It’s time to share your cute fur babies.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a photo/video of your puppy.
- Tell your audience to share the pictures of their little puppies.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpuppyday🐶, #nationalpuppyday🐾
National Chia Day (23. March): If you’re in the health & fitness industry, don’t forget to celebrate this day.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share the benefit of eating chia seeds.
- Make an infographic about chia seeds.
- Share a yummy, healthy chia seed recipe.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalchiaday, #chiaseed
24.) National Cocktail Day (24. March): You’ve been working hard for your business. It’s time to relax and grab your favorite cocktail.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Take a selfie with a cocktail
- Ask your audience what’s their favorite cocktail.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalcocktailday, #cocktailday

25.) National Medal of Honor Day (25. March): Today, we celebrate the courage of awarded military members.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Express gratitude for all those courageous military members.
- If you know someone who was awarded – share a story about them.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalmedalofhonorday, #medalofhonor
26.) Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (26. March): If you could celebrate any holiday – what holiday would you celebrate? It can be absolutely anything!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Make up your own holiday and share it with your audience.
- Ask your audience what holiday they would make up.
Hashtag suggestion: #makeupyourownholidayday
27.) World Theatre Day (27. March):
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share one of your interesting stories that happened in the theatre.
- Ask your audience if they prefer to go to the theatre or cinema.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldtheatreday
28.) Respect Your Cat Day (28. March): Your pet cat deserves to be celebrated every day – on this day especially.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a photo of your cat.
- Share something funny or interesting your cat did.
Hashtag suggestion: #respectyourcatday
National Black Forest Cake Day (28. March): This is not just any cake; it’s a black forest cake! And it deserves to be celebrated for its yumminess.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a black forest cake recipe.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalblackforestcakeday, #blackforestcake
29.) National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day (29. March): If you have a small business, we should celebrate this day together!

March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share why you started your own small business.
- Talk about who you help and how.
- Share an inspirational “small business” quote.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalmomandpopbusinessownersday
30.) Take a Walk in the Park Day (30. March): Today, you should take some time to enjoy a walk in the park. As an entrepreneur, you are probably overworked. So it’s wise to take time for yourself.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share a selfie while walking in the park.
- Encourage your audience to invite someone for a walk.
Hashtag suggestion: #takeawalkintheparkday, #walkinthepark
National I Am In Control Day (30. March): Yes, you can achieve anything – you are in control of your life!
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about the importance of having a mindset of “I am in control.”
- Share your story of how you got in control of your life & business.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationaliamincontrolday, #iamincontrol
31.) World Backup Day (31. March): You should back up all those important files just in case if your computer crashes.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Talk about how to back up your computer.
- Share how you’re backing up the files.
Hashtag suggestion: #worldbackupday, #backup

National Crayon Day (31. March): If you’re someone like me who loves crafting, you shouldn’t miss celebrating this day. Crayons can be fun to work with.
March Social Media Content Ideas:
- Share your crayon masterpiece.
- Encourage your followers to share their crayon drawings with you.
Hashtag suggestion: #nationalcrayonday, #crayons
Prepare for the whole year ahead by checking out the complete list of Social Media Holidays.
March marketing ideas
Marketing a business is both an art and a science, and it requires creativity, knowledge of your customers, and strategies that work for your company.
But as with any new endeavor, it is better to start small and build up to bigger things. The following are some great marketing ideas to try in March:
- Giveaways: Giving away products or services can help build brand awareness. You can use different Social Media platforms to give away products, coupons, or anything else.
- Email list: Use this month to build an email list in MailerLite. This list can be used for future promotions, special offers, and more valuable knowledge.
- Have excellent customer service: Be there for your customers when they need you and make sure they are happy with your product or service. You will build loyalty because of it!
- Come up with a marketing plan: Make sure it has specific goals and objectives that you hope to reach by the end of March.
- Have a Spring deal: create a 30% off coupon, or offer free shipping.
- Have a tripwire offer ready.
- Show off your products through video marketing.

March Social Media Content Calendar
Social Media is growing at an incredible rate, making it all the more important to use your time wisely when crafting your content.
As I have said before, one of the best ways to stay organized is to create a content calendar that helps you plan ahead.
This Social Media content calendar for March will help you save time, increase engagement, and boost your sales.
Recommendation: Print the calendar out and mark the days you will promote your products or services. You will be able to make the sales content upfront.

How to use the March Social Media ideas and content calendar
With so much content out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The options inside this article offer you a visual overview of what content you can share.
If you want to ensure that your Social Media accounts aren’t falling behind and struggling to compete with other companies online, then this is a great place to start.
Here are the tips that will help you use the March Social Media ideas and content calendar more efficiently:
- Be consistent: You need to be consistent with your posts so that your followers can look forward to seeing them in their feeds.
- Keep it interesting: If you want to build a community of fans, make sure you’re posting interesting and relevant content to keep them coming back for more.
- Repurpose your old content: Check out which posts did well and recreate them. Make a different graphic or create a video on the same topic.
- Interact with other people’s posts: If you want to increase Social Media engagement and the number of people who see your posts, you need to like & comment on other people’s posts.
If you want to schedule more of your posts, here are 2 options:
1.) Learn how to create your own Yearly content calendar or
2.) Get my 9+ Years of Social Media Content Ideas because it includes:
- 3 content calendars packed with 1260 caption templates to plan with ease
- 579 bonus captions to engage, educate, and sell effortlessly.
- 9 Bonuses and more

Social Media content tools for small business owners:
Trying to come up with fresh content every day might seem overwhelming.
How can you generate new content every day while taking care of your family, having a 9-5 job, cleaning the house, etc.?
Fortunately, these tools can help you out:
- Visme: This tool is very similar to Canva. They offer many different elements, illustrations, and graphics. I especially love the infographics we can create inside.
- Social Media Content Calendar: A whole year of content planned out for you? Yes, this bundle has everything you need to take all that Social Media burden off your shoulders! Over 2,000+ post ideas!
- Copy.ai: If you’re a content creator, you’re probably familiar with writer’s block. You know that feeling of being stuck in the middle of your work and unable to produce any more writing? Well, Copy.ai is here to help! It will help you write faster, better, and with less stress. You’ll have all your content ready in seconds!
- Viral Content Templates: These graphic templates will help you save time, boost your engagement, and improve the number of people who see your social media posts.
Check out these 25 Social Media content tools – they will help you save time and create unique posts fast!
As an entrepreneur, you know that content creation is time-consuming. So if you’re looking to up your Social Media game, the ideas in this blog post are for you!
Write down all the expert tips and keep them close to you. Before creating the posts, follow the advice I shared with you because it will make your business soar over time!
And don’t forget to grab my Free March Social Media Challenge & Content Calendar to stay organized.
I hope you found this article useful – please share it with other business owners.
March Social Media Ideas Infographic