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Are you feeling stuck when it comes to finding content ideas for your business?

Most busy entrepreneurs, like yourself, don’t have time to research, plan, and create their posts. It’s very time-consuming and sometimes even frustrating!

So if you’re looking for April Social Media ideas and marketing tips to fuel your business, then you’re finally at the right place.

I have created this blog with the sole intention of making your life easier by providing over 100+ April Social Media ideas and a free content calendar.

This is a massive bundle of content & marketing hacks that will help you stay consistent on your preferred platforms. And it will also help you attract new followers and customers to your business.

Now let’s dive in.

100+ Killer April Social Media Ideas + Free Content Calendar

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.

What makes good Social Media content?

As an entrepreneur, you’re active on Social Media every day. But creating great content can be challenging, especially if you’re very busy.

Many people struggle with this, but it’s actually not that hard. Social Media is all about building relationships with your audience.

The more your posts resonate with them, the more likely they will follow you and engage with what you have to say.

But what makes solid content that resonates with your audience? Let’s check it out.

What makes good Social Media content

How to create engaging content

Some marketers will tell you to focus a lot of your time on how much you post on Social Media. If the content is king, then the posting frequency must be the prince, right?

Wrong! There is something much more valuable than the number of times you post on the platforms.

If you want to engage like a boss, serve quality content that impacts your audience. 

Writing good copy takes a little more effort and a lot of skill. What makes a piece of content engaging? And how can you create great content that people actually want to read?

How to create engaging Social Media content - by Big Income Paradise

Here are 9 methods you should follow:

  1. Research what your followers want: ensure that your audience needs and desires the content you’re about to share.
  2. Trending topics: find what’s trending in your niche/industry and talk about that.
  3. Asking questions: this strategy is excellent for getting to know your followers and getting them to engage with you.
  4.  Survey your customers: ask your customers what they want to learn next. You can create surveys and polls.
  5. How-to content: create multiple posts that relate to each other (knowledge that will give your audience fast results). Make sure you publish one per day (for example: from Monday to Friday)
  6. Visuals: adding an exciting image or video can increase engagement quickly.
  7. Be entertaining: fascinating or fun content is more likely to generate interest than dry facts or statistics. You may want to share some impressive facts about topics related to your business and then offer a humorous spin on this information.
  8. Take advantage of holidays and events: use popular hashtags to connect with other people interested in the event.
  9. Be authentic: people can tell when someone is faking it. And no one likes being lied to.

Get my FREE 3-Day Workshop to help you create KILLER content that will skyrocket your engagement & increase your income!

Free 3-day Social Media Content Workshop for Entrepreneurs

Know who your ideal followers are

The target audience is a huge factor when it comes to content creation. You have to know who you’re trying to attract so you can create perfect posts that will bring them towards you.

New entrepreneurs and marketers have a hard time with this because they lack experience and knowledge of their own brands. They don’t know exactly who they’re trying to attract, making it hard to create content that will help them achieve their goals.

The best way to find your target audience is by researching different platforms like:

Who is your ideal audience

See what kind of questions they ask or any other comments they make. Don’t forget to save those comments you found and go through them every once in a while. 

Try to find the answers to these questions:

  • What do they value?
  • What problems do they have?
  • What are their goals and dreams?
  • How do they feel now?
  • How do they want to feel?
  • What kind of words do they use?

Social Media Storytelling Strategy:

Most entrepreneurs think that storytelling is the art of selling something. But the truth is that it’s more about:

  • connecting with your audience and,
  • establishing trust. 

Why is storytelling important in online business?

Social Media is a great way to engage with fans and drive traffic to your website.

It’s also a great place to tell stories about your brand. They can also bring people closer to your business, build trust, and lead to more sales.

Everyone loves a good story, and it engages your audience from the beginning, allowing you to tell someone about your products without seeming like a salesperson.

A personal story or two can go a long way towards establishing trust with new followers.

Why is storytelling important in online business

Step by step Storytelling strategy 

Now that we have established the importance of storytelling, let’s look at some basic steps to help you out:

Step 1: Plan your story

  • You should definitely plan ahead before telling your story. Make sure that it has a beginning, middle, and end. This is not the place for random ramblings and jokes. Instead, it should be gripping enough so that people keep listening and engaging.

Step 2: Share one event

  • You don’t have to start off by telling your entire life’s story; just pick one event or incident that happened in the past few years that you can tell effectively. Do not get carried away by unnecessary details; just stick to the basics!

Step 3: Be vulnerable

  • Acknowledge that not everything is perfect in your world, and that’s okay! We all have flaws; sharing them will give people a chance to connect with you on a deeper level than they would otherwise.

Step 4: The story has to relate to your product

  • If you want to sell more of your products or services, make sure your story closely relates to them. 

Planning a content calendar for your business

Social Media is an ever-growing platform, and you don’t have time to miss a single day, right? That’s why planning your Social Media content in advance will help you stay organized and more efficient.

a content calendar will save you a lot of time and keep you organized.

Why is it essential to have a Social Media content calendar?

It is easy to lose your way regarding Social Media content, and there are so many things you have to do daily.

To ensure your marketing efforts are as effective as possible, you need to create a well-planned content calendar.

If you want to get the best results but don’t want to spend a lot of time creating and managing content, you should set up a content calendar for your business. 

  • It will help you stay organized,
  • keep your efforts focused and,
  • avoid wasting time.

You might also love to read: 11 Killer Advantages Of A Social Media Content Calendar

How to plan your content effectively?

If you want to plan your own content calendar, here’s how:

  • Choose the tool for your calendar (Trello, print out blank monthly calendar)
  • Find infinite content ideas in your niche,
  • Plan out the daily themes,
  • Create your content,
  • Schedule it.

Watch my video below on how to plan 1 month of Social Media content in 60 minutes:

Create Compelling Social Media Visuals

One of the most important things to do when you post on different platforms is to make sure that your content will be creative. Trying to sell a product or service with plain text will not get you far.

The only way to get people’s attention is through well-crafted visuals. Social Media allows you to share a lot of information in a small amount of space, so you must understand what draws people’s attention and what doesn’t.

To create visuals that will attract people, you’ll have to make viral graphics. And you can do all that with this tool:

  •  Canva – it lets you create awesome-looking graphics for free! Go to, select the size, of the layout, and start working! Canva offers many templates to make life easier, so you don’t have to start from scratch each time.

Create engaging content for Social Media

Make your posts more engaging

If you’re not entertaining your followers, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your business. 

The best way to create engaging Social Media content is through a strategy. 

Here are some PRO hacks that will get you more engagement:

  • Know who you’re talking to: Before you start crafting your posts, take the time to figure out exactly who you’re trying to reach. 
  • Batch-create different content topics: Find & write down as many ideas related to your niche. There are 18 places to find excellent Social Media content.
  • Don’t treat every post as an isolated event: If something works once, it could work again. Test and tweak accordingly.
  • Share customer stories and testimonials: Your customers’ experiences can help others feel connected to your brand, and it may even influence them to make a purchase.
  • Create poll questions to get more engagement.
  • Post regularly: There’s no perfect formula here. Every social network is different and has its own community norms. However, posting at least once a day is a worthy goal to strive for. 
  • Post interesting content: We know it can be tempting to post only promotional messages. But think about how much more effective it is to post information that will interest your audience.
  • Ask questions to skyrocket your engagement.
  • Publish different content types.

It’s also wise to learn how to write creative Social Media content without struggle.

April Social Media ideas and holidays for 2024

1.) April Fools’ Day (1. April): It’s a perfect day to fool around and have some fun pranking others. You should think of a fun joke you can pull on your audience. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Prank your audience in a fun way
  • Share a funny story of how someone pranked you

Hashtag suggestion: #aprilfoolsday, #aprilfoolsprank

Happy April Fools’ Day

International Fun at Work Day (1. April): Working hard can get very exhausting. So today, take some time to do something fun while you’re working. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Tell your followers how you’re having fun while you work
  • Talk about different tips to have fun while working

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalfunatworkday

Stress Awareness Month (Whole month of April): Stress can cause many health issues, so it’s good to be aware and do something about it. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about the top 5 tips that can help your audience relieve stress.
  • Create an infographic about what can cause stress.
  • Share a reminder with your followers to take a deep breath and relax.

Hashtag suggestion: #stressawarenessmonth, #stressawareness

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month (Whole month of April): It’s shocking to see how many animals are tortured or killed daily. So we should spread awareness about it and make a change!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about how to help prevent animal cruelty.
  • Share an inspirational story of how you rescued an animal.

Hashtag suggestion: #preventionofcrueltytoanimalsmonth, #preventionofcrueltytoanimals

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

2.) World Autism Awareness Day (2. April): You should spread awareness about autism today. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about what is autism
  • Share an autism quote

Hashtag suggestion: #worldautismawarenessday, #worldautismawareness

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (2. April): Yummy! If you love peanut butter & jelly, then it’s time to celebrate it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a funny selfie (you eating peanut butter & jelly)
  • Share a fun quote about peanut butter & jelly.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpeanutbutterandjellyday

3.) World Party Day (3. April): Every once in a while, it’s good to have a party. So you can create a virtual party with your followers.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Create a virtual party for your followers.
  • Share an infographic about how to have fun and relax.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldpartyday, #partyday

National Chocolate Mousse Day (3. April): Diet? What diet? Today we’re eating chocolate mousse!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a yummy chocolate mousse recipe.
  • Post a photo of you enjoying your dessert.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalchocolatemousseday

National Chocolate Mousse Day

4.) International Carrot Day (4. April): Today is the best day to share why carrots are so healthy, especially if you’re in the health & fitness niche.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Make an infographic about the benefits of eating carrots.
  • Share an interesting fact about carrots.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalcarrotday

Maya Angelou’s Birthday (4. April): She was a fantastic person that deserves to be celebrated!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share an inspirational quote by Maya Angelou.

Hashtag suggestion: #mayaangelou, #mayaangelouquotes

5.) National Flash Drive Day (5. April): This small item deserves to be celebrated. It made our life easier, didn’t it?

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about what you have on your flash drive.
  • Share the benefits of using a flash drive.

Hashtag suggestion: #flashdrive

Go For Broke Day (5. April): Today, it’s all about taking risks! Even if you are afraid – go for it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share why taking risks is a must in business and life.
  • Talk about your story of how you took a risk.

Hashtag suggestion: #goforbroke

Example of a Social Media idea for Go For Broke Day

Looking for more content ideas? Then check out my article: 120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love.

6.) National Library Day: It’s time to go to the library and get your favorite books.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share the benefits of reading.
  • Showcase some of the best books you’ve got at the library.

Hashtag suggestion: #libraryday

7.) National Girl Me Too Day (7. April): It’s a perfect day to share your achievements and inspire other women. Let’s celebrate our strengths.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share your story about something you achieved.
  • Share an inspirational quote about the strength of women.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgirlmetooday, #girlmetoo

World Health Day (7. April): Are you in the health industry? Then share some of your best tips and tricks.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about the top 3 healthy things every person can do daily.
  • Make an interesting infographic on the topic of health.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldhealthday, #healthday

8.) National All Is Ours Day (8. April): Celebrate the nature around you. Let’s take care of it, shall we?

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Inspire your audience to do something good for nature.
  • Talk about how we can take care of nature.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalallisoursday

9.) National Unicorn Day (9. April): Even though unicorns aren’t real, we should celebrate them because they represent magic. 

April social media ideas for National Unicorn Day

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a photo of a unicorn toy or slippers.
  • Share a unicorn quote.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalunicornday, #unicornday

10.) National Siblings Day (10. April): Although our siblings can be annoying, we love them, right? What would we do without them – they are our treasure.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Celebrate your siblings and share why you love them so much.
  • Share a moving quote about siblings.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalsiblingsday❤️

National Hug Your Dog Day (10. April): I believe we should hug our dogs daily, especially today. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a selfie with your dog.
  • Talk about the benefits of hugging a dog.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalhugyourdogday

11.) National Education and Sharing Day (11. April): In business, you should educate and teach your audience a lot, and today is one of those days. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share 3-5 helpful tips that will help your audience.
  • Create a how-to video or infographic.

Hashtag suggestion: #educationandsharingday

National Pet Day (11. April): Our pets deserve to be celebrated daily. Shower your pets with love (and some treats.)

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a selfie with your pet

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalpetday, #petday

example of social media post idea for National Pet Day

12.) National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day (12. April): Are you getting hungry? Have some grilled cheese sandwich!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a yummy grilled cheese sandwich recipe

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalgrilledcheesesandwichday

13.) National Scrabble Day (13. April): Scrabble is such a fun game – it deserves to have its own special day.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a photo of you & your family playing scrabble

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalscrabbleday

14.) National Reach As High As You Can Day (14. April): You should be reaching for your goals daily, especially today! You can do it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your goals and dreams.
  • Share some action tips that will help your audience achieve their goals.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalreachashighasyoucanday, #reachashighasyoucanday

International Moment of Laughter Day (14. April): Laughing is healthy, and we should do it daily. Do you know a good joke? Share it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a funny joke.
  • Talk about a funny moment.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationalmomentoflaughterday

National Look Up at the Sky Day (14. April): We live in a fast world, so it’s hard to stop and enjoy your surroundings. But today, look up and observe the clouds.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a photo of clouds.
  • Inspire your audience to share pictures of clouds.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationallookupattheskyday, #lookupattheskyday

National Look Up at the Sky Day

15.) National Laundry Day (15. April): Some people love doing laundry – I am not one of those. How about you?

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a funny laundry meme or quote
  • Talk about how your family helps you with laundry.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationallaundryday

16.) National Healthcare Decisions Day: Our health is our wealth – so let’s make smart decisions to get healthier!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share an infographic or video explaining the importance of advanced healthcare planning.
  • Create a social media challenge encouraging followers to take action towards creating their own healthcare plan.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalhealthcaredecisionsday

17.) Blah Blah Blah Day: It’s not fun listening to our family and friends nagging, but today, you should.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Create a meme or a funny video related to Blah Blah Blah Day. Use humor to engage your audience and make them laugh.
  • Create a poll and ask your followers what their favorite conversation starters are.
  • Share quotes related to communication or talking.

Hashtag suggestion: #blahblahblah

18.) National Exercise Day: Take the time to get active and participate in some form of physical activity, whether it’s going for a walk, hitting the gym, or trying out a new workout routine.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share motivational quotes or infographics that inspire your followers to stay active and healthy.
  • Share success stories from individuals who have transformed their lives through exercise and healthy living.
  • Create a post highlighting the benefits of exercise for mental health, such as reduced stress and improved mood.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalexerciseday

19.) Wear Pajamas to Work Day (19. April): Sometimes, we online entrepreneurs have pajamas as our work clothes, don’t we? And today, it’s mandatory!

Wear Pajamas to Work Day - idea for social media posts

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a selfie of you in PJ’s – working on your business.

Hashtag suggestion: #wearpajamastoworkday

20.) National Look-Alike Day (20. April): Do people tell you you look a lot like a specific celebrity? Share that with your audience and see what they think.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a celebrity look-alike.
  • Ask your followers who is their celebrity look-alike.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationallookalikeday

21.) National High Five Day (21. April): Mel Robbins says we should high-five ourselves each day (read her book The High 5 Habit.) Well, today is an even better day to do so – and to share some high fives with your followers.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Make a selfie of you high-fiving yourself in the mirror.
  • Talk about the benefits of a high five.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalhighfiveday

National Tea Day (21. April): If you’re a tea lover, then celebrate it with a cup of your favorite – well, tea, of course.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about the benefits of drinking tea.
  • Share a selfie of you drinking tea and relaxing with a good book.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationalteaday, #teaday

22.) Earth Day (22. April): Today, you should inspire your audience to keep our planet clean. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about how we can keep our planet clean.
  • Share an Earth Day quote to inspire your followers.
  • Make an infographic about saving the earth.

Hashtag suggestion: #earthdayeveryday, #happyearthday

Earth Day social media post idea

23.) National Take a Chance Day (23. April): It’s a perfect day to take some risks. If you have been procrastinating on your goals, do the opposite today. Go for it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about how you overcome procrastination and take chances.
  • Explain why taking risks is going to help everyone achieve their desires.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationaltakeachanceday

National Lost Dogs Awareness Day (23. April): Let’s help those cute little dogs find their way home. 

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a post about a missing dog, and inspire your audience to spread the word.

Hashtag suggestion: #lostdogs

World Book Day (23. April): Are you a bookworm? Then grab your favorite one and enjoy your day!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your favorite book.
  • Share a selfie of you reading a book.

Hashtag suggestion: #worldbookday

World Book Day

24.) National Pigs in a Blanket Day (24. April): This is a yummy food that many of us love. So, do you have a special recipe? Share it!

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share the recipe with your audience.

Hashtag suggestion: #pigsinablanketday

25.) Kiss and Make Up Day (25. April): Stop holding a grudge. It’s not doing you any good, so kiss and make up.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about the disadvantages of holding a grudge.
  • Share an emotional story of how you and someone you love got over resentment.

Hashtag suggestion: #kissandmakeupday, #kissandmakeup

26.) Get Organized Day (26. April): Let’s be honest – we have a lot of clutter all over the place. It’s hard to be productive in a messy office, so clean it up.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about why working in a clean office is beneficial.
  • Share an interesting infographic about keeping your office organized.

Hashtag suggestion: #getorganized

Get Organized Day - ideas for Social Media

27.) National Tell a Story Day (27. April): Storytelling is one of the best ways to grow your business. So share an emotional story about a product you sell and explain how it changed your life.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share a story about your product.
  • Talk about why you started your business.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationaltellastoryday, #tellastory

28.) Stop Food Waste Day (28. April): This is a huge problem we need to address. So share some tips about how to stop food waste.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Share the top 5 tips to reduce food wastage.
  • Create an infographic

Hashtag suggestion: #stopfoodwasteday, #stopfoodwaste

29.) International Dance Day (29. April): Dancing can bring a lot of joy into our lives. So enjoy and dance the day away.

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Talk about your favorite dance.
  • If you’re a dancer, make a video and share it.

Hashtag suggestion: #internationaldanceday

30.) National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day (30. April): There are so many animals in shelters that need our love. It’s time to rescue them (adopt, don’t shop.)

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day - social media ideas

April Social Media content ideas:

  • Got your pet from a shelter? Share that lovely story with your followers.

Hashtag suggestion: #nationaladoptashelterpetday

Don’t forget to check out my complete list of Social Media Holidays.

April marketing ideas

Marketing a service, product, or even the business itself can be challenging. It is not easy to find the right marketing strategies and techniques that will do the job.

Trying different methods to see what works for you will become easier as you get more experience under your belt. So what should you advertise in April? Here are some great marketing ideas you can try:

  • Networking: It’s one of the most effective ways of reaching out to potential clients, but many people do not like it because it requires effort and a good deal of patience. Remember, investing time in this kind of activity is never a waste.
  • Content Marketing: It’s the process of creating and distributing valuable posts to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined audience. So make your content strategy, and use it daily.
  • Give a discount: Depending on the type of business you own or operate, consider offering an incentive for anyone who refers a friend or family member to your business.
  • Email newsletter: Create an email in MailerLite that describes what has been going on with your business lately; new products or services, upcoming events, etc.
April marketing ideas

April Social Media Content Calendar

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of content you need to produce regularly? Then, you’re in the right place!

With my free Social Media content calendar for April, you’ll be able to stay on top of your marketing efforts and provide your audience with regular, quality updates. 

With this tool, you’ll be able to plan for the next month and keep track of what you have posted.

Recommendation: Print out the challenge & calendar, then circle the days you’ll promote your products. This way, you’ll create sales content ahead of time.

April Social Media Content Calendar

How to use the April Social Media ideas and content calendar

There’s no denying that as an entrepreneur, you’re faced with many challenges daily.

From running your business to managing your blog, website, emails, etc., it’s easy to forget about your online presence and the many ways you can harness the power of Social Media.

Here are some tips to make the most of this April Social Media content calendar:

  • Don’t just download the calendar and forget about it. Every day, look at what you can share and create your content.
  • Over time, you’ll notice that certain types of posts do better than others. This will help you to tweak your strategy.
  • Interact with other people’s posts to increase Social Media engagement.

A bundle of Social Media content

If you want to be prepared the whole year round, you have two options.

1.) Create your own Yearly content calendar or,

2.) Grab my copy of the 7+ Years of Social Media Content Ideas. Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • 3 Yearly Content Calendars,
  • 1600+ Content Ideas,
  • 796 Graphic Templates,
  • How to Create High Converting Content (a video training),
  • 90-Day Social Media Challenge,
  • Storytelling Strategies,
  • Content Templates, headlines, hashtags,
  • 35 Ideas Where To Promote Your Business,
  • List Of Holidays.
7+ years of social media content ideas
CLICK HERE & get your bundle now.

The best tools for Social Media content:

While it’s true that you need to create social media content daily to keep your audience engaged, coming up with new content every day might feel like an impossible task.

Trying to come up with fresh content every day might seem overwhelming. To add to the pressure, you know that the more often you post on any given channel, the more likely your audience will see your posts.

Here are some of the best content tools to help you save time:

  • Canva: This visual design tool will make your marketing activities easier. To attract our ideal customers, we need to build visually appealing images. Canva is free to use. But if you want more pictures, fonts, videos, and other features, you can upgrade to the Pro plan.
  • Visme: Canva and this tool are pretty similar. They provide a wide range of elements, images, and graphics to choose from. I’m particularly fond of the infographics we can generate in Visme. 
  • Social Media Content Calendar: Here, you’ve got a whole year’s worth of posts lined out for you. Yes, this bundle has everything you’ll need! It will ease your Social Media stress! You’ll find over 2,000 post ideas, 796 graphic templates, and so much more!
  • You’re definitely familiar with writer’s block if you’re a content creator. You’ve experienced the frustration of being trapped in the middle of a project and unable to complete it. is here to assist you! It will enable you to write more quickly, and effectively, and you’ll be less stressed. In a matter of seconds, you’ll have all of the content ready!
Test it out for free here.

You might be interested in my other blog post: 25 Social Media content tools.


Here’s a solid list of brilliant April Social Media ideas that you can use to boost engagement, attract new followers, and ultimately grow your business.

Social Media takes time to grow, so be patient with your efforts. It’s not a quick fix; it’s a commitment!

This blog post aims to help marketers and entrepreneurs craft content for their specific audiences. Most ideas can be used for different platforms and work extremely well.

Whether you’re a seasoned Social Media PRO or a total newbie, it’s never a bad idea to check out some tips once in a while. After all, even the best marketers need to brush up on their skills from time to time. 

That said, there’s no denying that the content calendar will be beneficial for those who get behind and start feeling overwhelmed. It’ll also be helpful for those who want to start getting organized now, so they’re ready for the month ahead. 

And since every business is different, I encourage you to tailor these ideas to fit your needs.

So get my Free April Social Media Challenge & Content Calendar to stay organized and save time.

April Social Media Ideas Infographic

April Social Media ideas - By Big Income Paradise

Sharing is caring 👇