November is the perfect time for you to get your marketing game on point and increase Holiday sales.
But it can also be a little overwhelming. There’s so much to do! When you have many other priorities, how can you get your social media content done?
That’s why I’ve created over 100 November Social Media ideas and a free content calendar for you. This will give you a head start on your holiday marketing and eliminate the stress of creating content.
Now let’s begin.

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.
Creating Your November Content Fast
Social media is a massive part of most small businesses’ marketing strategy. But it can be a lot of work – especially if you’re trying to create new, exciting content yourself.
The good news is there are tons of ways to write your content fast. Here are some tips that helped me speed up my content creation:
- Look for the previous content you posted and repurpose it.
- Research what your audience is struggling with in your niche and create posts around those topics.
- Create a yearly social media content calendar that will help you save hours of your time.
- Use tools like to help you create your first draft in seconds.
- Pick and choose graphic templates in Canva and quickly create outstanding visuals.
- Create polls or questions to get to know your audience better. People love to talk about themselves, so it’s a great way to get them to engage with you.
November Social Media Ideas and Holidays For 2024
1.) Extra Mile Day (1. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about how you go the extra mile for your audience.
- Share why you always over-deliver on value and why it’s important to you.
- Encourage your audience to go the extra mile for someone today.
Hashtag Suggestions: #extramileday
Other holidays and observances on 1. November:
- All Saints’ Day
- National Cook For Your Pets Day
- National Men Make Dinner Day
- Scented Candle Day

2.) Be The Impact Day (2. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Teach your audience something special that will help them out.
- Make a motivational video and encourage your audience to do something today that will get them closer to their goals.
- Share a powerful inspirational quote and your thoughts on it.
Hashtag Suggestions: #betheimpact
Other holidays and observances on 2. November:
- Día de los Muertos
- World Ballet Day
You might also be interested in this blog post: 120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love
3.) National Housewife Day (3. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share what you do at home and how that impacts your family.
- Give some valuable advice that will help other homemakers save time or money.
- Talk about how housewives are making a difference for their families.
Hashtag Suggestions: #housewifeday
Other holidays and observances on 3. November:
- Cliché Day
- Give Someone a Dollar Day
- National Accessory Day
4.) Use Your Common Sense Day (4. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share some common sense knowledge and why it’s important to remember it.
- Ask your audience to share some common sense tips, ideas, and advice.
- Make a funny meme about common sense.
Hashtag Suggestions: #useyourcommonsense

Other holidays and observances on 4. November:
- National Day of Community Service
- National Candy Day
5.) National Chinese Take-Out Day (5. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Order some Chinese food and show how you enjoy yourself with your family.
- Ask your audience what’s their favorite Chinese food.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalchinesetakeoutday
Other holidays and observances on 5. November:
- American Football Day
- Bonfire Night
- National Redhead Day
You love my blog post with 333 Killer Social Media Questions To Skyrocket Your Engagement
6.) National Team Manager Day (6. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about why team managers are so important.
- Make an infographic of what team managers do.
- Ask your audience how their team manager helps them.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalteammanagerday
Other holidays and observances on 6. November:
- National Nachos Day
7.) National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day (7. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share a recipe that includes bittersweet chocolate and almonds.
- Ask your audience if they have any great recipes with these two ingredients.
- Create something with bittersweet chocolate & almonds, and share the photo with your audience.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalbittersweetchocolatewithalmondsday
Other holidays and observances on 7. November:
- National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
8.) Talk Money Day (8. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Explain to your audience why money shouldn’t be a taboo topic.
- Share some money-saving tips.
- Ask your audience to share some money tips with your community.
Hashtag Suggestions: #talkmoney

Other holidays and observances on 8. November:
- National Cappuccino Day
- National Parents as Teachers Day
- Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day
9.) World Freedom Day (9. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share what freedom means to you.
- Share some tips that will help your audience achieve some level of freedom.
- Make a “How to” tutorial with your top 5 tips on achieving financial freedom.
Hashtag Suggestions: #worldfreedomday
Other holidays and observances on 9. November:
- Chaos Never Dies Day
- Go to an Art Museum Day
You’ll also love: The Best 53 Instagram Poll Questions To Ask Your Followers
10.) International Accounting Day (10. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- If you’re an accountant, share some tips with your audience.
- Showcase some of your recent work and explain how it benefits your clients.
- Ask your followers if they have any questions about accounting or taxes.
Hashtag Suggestions: #internationalaccountingday
Other holidays and observances on 10. November:
- Sesame Street Day
11.) Veterans Day (11. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share a message of appreciation for all veterans have done to keep everyone safe and free.
- Make a quote about veterans’ sacrifices.
- Share an article about the meaning of Veterans Day.
Hashtag Suggestions: #veteransday2022

Other holidays and observances on 11. November:
- National Sundae Day
- National Origami Day
12.) National Happy Hour Day (12. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Go out with your friends and have a drink. Remember to share a photo of how much fun you’re having.
- Ask your audience if they’ll go out for a happy hour.
- Showcase your favorite cocktails.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalhappyhourday
Other holidays and observances on 12. November:
- Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
If you need more post ideas, check my blog post with 70+ Interactive Facebook Posts For Killer Engagement (Check It Out)
13.) World Kindness Day (13. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Write a list of 10 things your audience can do to be kind to someone else.
- Write a post about a time someone was kind to you and what it meant to you.
- Share a quote about kindness.
Hashtag Suggestions: #worldkindnessday
Other holidays and observances on 13. November:
- National Sadie Hawkins Day
14.) International Girl’s Day (14. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about how to celebrate International Girl’s Day with your friends.
- Ask your followers how they celebrate other women.
- Share your favorite quote from a female leader.
Hashtag Suggestions: #internationalgirlsday
Other holidays and observances on 14. November:
- Loosen Up Lighten Up Day
- National Family P.J. Day
- World Diabetes Day
- World Orphans Day
15.) National Recycling Day (15. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share tips on how to recycle effectively and efficiently.
- Encourage your audience to get creative and repurpose items they would normally throw away.
- Feature sustainable and eco-friendly products that your audience can use as alternatives to single-use items.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalrecyclingday
You’ll love this post with 60+ Killer Facebook Post Ideas To Help You Increase Engagement
Other holidays and observances on 15. November:
- I Love to Write Day
- National Ample Time Day
16.) National Black Marketers Day (16. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about your favorite successful black marketer.
- Ask your audience who their favorite black marketer is and why.
- Share a list of shops for your favorite black marketers.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalblackmarketersday
Other holidays and observances on 16. November:
- International Day of Tolerance
17.) National Unfriend Day (17. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about why it’s essential to unfriend people who are not suitable for us.
- Describe the benefits of having fewer people in your social media circles.
- Tell your audience to share their stories when they unfriended someone who was not good for them.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalunfriendday
Other holidays and observances on 17. November:
- National Hiking Day
18.) Apple Cider Day (18. November)

Social Media content ideas:
- Make a funny meme about apple cider.
- Post a picture of you drinking apple cider and share why you love it.
- Start a thread where people post pictures of their favorite brands of apple cider.
Hashtag Suggestions: #applecider
Other holidays and observances on 18. November:
- Housing Day
19.) Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (19. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about the challenges women entrepreneurs have on their journey.
- Share how you overcame the challenges in your journey.
- Talk about how to support other women entrepreneurs.
Hashtag Suggestions: #womensentrepreneurshipday
You might find this blog post useful: Killer Girl Boss Quotes To Inspire Your Inner Entrepreneur
National Entrepreneur’s Day (19. November – different date each year)

Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about your entrepreneurial dreams and how you’re planning to achieve them.
- Inspire your audience to believe in themselves as entrepreneurs.
- Share your top tips on how they can be more successful in their own businesses.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalentrepreneursday
Other holidays and observances on 19. November:
- International Men’s Day
- National Play Monopoly Day
20.) National Child’s Day (20. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share how you communicate with your kids.
- Give your audience 3 tips on how to help their kids overcome obstacles.
- Ask your audience to share their best tips on raising kids.
Hashtag Suggestions: #childsday
Other holidays and observances on 20. November:
- National Absurdity Day
- National Pay Back Your Parents Day
- Name Your PC Day
21.) World Hello Day (21. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Encourage your audience to greet 10 people.
- Talk about why it’s essential to say hello to others.
- Share a quote that encourages people to be courteous.
Hashtag Suggestions: #worldhelloday
Other holidays and observances on 21. November:
- National Gingerbread Cookie Day
- World Television Day
22.) Humane Society Anniversary Day (22. November)

Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about the Humane Society International (animal protection organization) and what they do.
- Share one of their posts with your followers.
- Donate to the Humane Society International and encourage your audience to do the same.
Hashtag Suggestions: #humanesociety
If you need more post ideas, check these out: Killer 100 Social Media Post Ideas To Surge Your Engagement
Other holidays and observances on 22. November:
- Go For a Ride Day
- Love Your Freckles Day
23.) Thankful for My Dog Day (23. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share something funny your dog did (extra points if you have a video).
- Share how much you love your dog and share a photo.
- Ask your audience to share their dog photos with you.
Hashtag Suggestions: #thankfulformydog
24.) Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day (24. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about your unique talent
- Ask your audience what their unique talent is
Hashtag Suggestions: #mytalent
Other holidays and observances on 24. November:
- D.B. Cooper Day
25.) National Play Day with Dad (25. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share creative and fun DIY game ideas that dads and kids can make and play together.
- Provide tips for planning an adventurous outdoor day, including packing essentials, finding kid-friendly trails, and engaging activities like scavenger hunts and nature crafts.
- Share time-saving hacks for busy dads to maximize playtime with their kids
Hashtag Suggestions: #qualitytimewithkids
Other holidays and observances on 25. November:
- Shopping Reminder Day
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
26.) National Cake Day (26. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share mouthwatering cake recipes featuring different flavors, textures, and decorating techniques.
- Provide tips and tricks for decorating cakes like a pro.
- Share time-saving tips and hacks for baking and decorating cakes.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalcakeday
Other holidays and observances on 26. November:
- National Anti-Obesity Day
27.) National Bavarian Cream Pie Day (27. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share delicious and easy-to-follow Bavarian cream pie recipes
- Provide tips for achieving the perfect creamy texture and presentation
Hashtag Suggestions: #creampie
28.) National French Toast Day (28. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Highlight different toppings that can take French toast to the next level.
- Inspire your audience with creative French toast variations.
Hashtag Suggestions: #frenchtoastday
You’ll love these 120+ Free Holiday Social Media Posts For Your Business
Thanksgiving (28. November – different date each year)
Social Media content ideas:
- Make a list of what you’re grateful for and share it with your followers.
- Ask your audience to share what they are thankful for.
- Create a quote about being thankful.
Hashtag Suggestions: #thanksgiving2024

Other blog posts on Thanksgiving you might be interested in:
- 50+ Outstanding Thanksgiving Reel Ideas to Help You Engage Your Audience
- 50 Outstanding Thanksgiving Poll Questions for Small Business Owners
- 47 Amazing Thanksgiving Social Media Content Ideas for Small Business Owners
29.) Electronic Greetings Day (29. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Explain electronic greetings day (it’s about sending e-cards to your family, friends, and acquaintances).
- Inspire your audience to send at least one e-card to someone they love.
- Show them how to create a cute e-card.
Hashtag Suggestions: #electronicgreetingsday
29.) Black Friday (29. November – different date each year)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share your special Black Friday offers.
- Make a thread where your followers can share their deals.
- Make a list of your discounted products (you can also add products you’re an affiliate of).
Hashtag Suggestions: #blackfriday2024
You might also love to check out my other blog posts:
- Killer Black Friday Promotional Ideas To Help You Stand Out
- Best Black Friday Deals For Entrepreneurs And Bloggers
Other holidays and observances on 29. November:
- National Lemon Cream Pie Day

30.) National Computer Security Day (30. November)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share practical tips and advice to help your audience enhance their online security.
- Create informative infographics that highlight key cybersecurity statistics, trends, and best practices.
- Showcase reliable cybersecurity tools, such as antivirus software, password managers, and virtual private network (VPN) services.
Hashtag Suggestions: #nationalcomputersecurityday
30.) Small Business Saturday (30. November – different date each year)
Social Media content ideas:
- Talk about why more people need to shop from small business owners.
- Share all about your small business journey – your failures and wins.
- Ask your audience if they support small business owners.
Hashtag Suggestions: #smallbusinesssaturday2024

Other holidays and observances on 30. November:
- National Stay at Home Because You’re Well Day
Cyber Monday (2. December – different date each year)
Social Media content ideas:
- Share a list of the best deals and discounts available on various online platforms.
- Create a sense of urgency by promoting a limited-time flash sale.
- Create a gift guide to help your followers find the perfect Cyber Monday deals
Hashtag Suggestions: #cybermondaysale
November Social Media Marketing Ideas
The best time to start planning your holiday marketing was 3 months ago. But the second best time is now. You can read my blog post: Why Early Holiday Promo Planning Makes You More Profitable
If you don’t have any marketing ideas, here are some to get you started:
- Have a Thanksgiving sale and give your audience a 30 % off coupon code.
- Create a unique product that you only promote over the holiday season.
- Plan out a Black Friday deal by creating bundles of your top-sellers
- Offer free shipping on all orders over $25
- Give a special gift with every order (something your audience will find helpful)
- Make it fun for your audience and create a Social Media game (for example, hangman) – the person who wins gets a whooping 50% off coupon code.
- Use a funny meme to promote your store and offer a coupon code for 15% off.
November Social Media Content Calendar

A content calendar can save you a lot of time and help you create a consistent flow of content. It also helps with planning and measuring results, which is essential for any business owner.
That’s why I’ve created this November social media content calendar to make things easier for you.
The calendar includes a list of social media tips and hacks, a daily to-do list, content ideas for each day, and a list of helpful resources.
You can get your copy by clicking here.
Content Tools for Small Business Owners
If growing your business is challenging because you need more time, these tools will help you.
They make it easier to create content, so you can spend more time on what matters most.
I’m using all of these tools, and they save me over 20+ hours each week:
- – This is an automated content creator that lets you create high-quality articles, social media posts, emails, and more – in seconds! You can watch my quick review below
- Canva – This easy-to-use graphic design tool lets you create social media graphics, emails, blog banners, and more. It has over 250,000 free templates for you to customize (and over 610,000 in Canva PRO).
- 7+ Years Of Social Media Content Ideas – With my content bundle, you get 3 social media content calendars, over 1,600+ extra post ideas, 796 Canva graphic templates, and so much more.
As you can see, there are many great ways to use social media this month to get more exposure and build your business. And they don’t have to be complicated or expensive.
You know it’s essential to plan out your content and Holiday sales. That’s why I’ve created the Holiday Sales Accelerator Kit to help you boost your income.
So go ahead and give these November social media ideas a try! And if you know someone who could benefit from this post, please share it with them!